In 4N1W you can
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×use the mimic to kill the roches.
Just place it
here. You could fix this by makeing all open space to the right all one yellow door. Actually it would have to be two doors that open with same orb. If this is not clear please tell me.
Second, would you please put a check point in 4N1W. I think you hold needs it even if KDD dosen't.
Third, would you give me a hint about
this room. You need to hit the orb at point 1 but, that locks the doot at point 2. I can't figure how to open it.
Forth, I don't think I could compleate 3N.
This room. You apear to need to hit orb 1 to kill the serpents, but you need to have droped the red door befor you can get to orb 1. You can't drop the red door until you drop the green door. This seems to be a catch-22. In summery you need to press orb 1 befor you can kill the serpents. You need to drop the red door befor you can push orb 1 and, you need to kill the serpents and drop the green door befor you drop the red door.
If I am missing something please tell me.
[Edited by patmo98 at
Local Time:10-11-2004 at 06:09 PM]