Versions tested: GatEB, TSS Demo
Platform: Windows 8.1 x86_64
Severity: Medium-low (rare but dramatic cosmetic)
To reproduce: In a room dark enough that the light around the player appears, step on a mimic/decoy/clone potion then while in placement mode right click in the game room.
What happens: Tiles around the player and where you clicked become full brightness (TSS) or discolored (GatEB), and any monsters, players, characters, and platforms in that area disappear. Right clicking somewhere else does not make the previous area render normally again.
What should happen: The area around the player should be unmodified (unless it's near the click of course) and the clicked area should gain the normal light shine. Critters and platforms should continue to be visible.
Notes: Alt-tabbing out of the game and back fixes it until you right-click again. The exact way it messes up is slightly different in GatEB and TSS - TSS is full-brightness - but because all the other symptoms are the same and these symptoms are so similar, I'm comfortable calling this one bug.
A one-room hold is attached. Built in GatEB, it shows elements that derender at the top, in the middle has elements that are OK other than lighting, and at the bottom elements that have problems only in TSS. And water/watertrapdoors, which have a weird shadow halo in TSS, but do still show up.
636th Trapdoor Replacer
Official Hold Progress:
Click here to view the secret text
King Dugan's Dungeon 2.0 - Mastered+
Journey to Rooted Hold - Mastered+
The City Beneath - Conquered, 55%
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder - Mastered+
The Second Sky - Conquered 40%
Smitemastery 101 - Mastered
Master Locks - Mastered
Devilishy Dangerous Dungeons of Doom - Mastered
Suit Pursuit - Conquered, 37%
Finding the First Truth - Conquered, 18%
[Last edited by Keiya at 03-02-2015 07:43 AM]