"Though the road be long, and the path may twist and turn, eventually progress shall be achieved." -- from a traditional Ephelnan folk song
Along the same lines as our
update to King Dugan's Dungeon, we have updated
Journey to Rooted Hold for the 5.0 engine. The new version is available in the same way: it will automatically install if you download JtRH within TSS. (You need to have already registered your order of KDD/JtRH/TCB/etc. to your Caravel Forum user account.) If you already have JtRH installed, you need to delete it and download again to get the new version. (It is recommended you export your player, download the hold, then re-import your player so as not to lose progress.)
Two weeks ago, a release candidate version was made available to chat regulars for final testing. Some bugs
were found -- in particular, three challenges would never activate. These have now been fixed, so anyone who has the RC version should also update to the final version.
Here's a quick run-down of the new features:
Eighty challenges, mostly selected from the Challenges forum but also including a couple of new ones, now have official recognition.
* Lots more checkpoints! Including some in Level 25!
* All twelve room styles available in 5.0 are used, though not exactly twice each as we did with KDD.
* Aesthetic improvements (floor types, light / darkness effects)
Huge thanks to all of the following. We had some hiccups at the final stage, and without the help of these excellent people, this release might never have happened....
Schik for helping get this running
RabidChild for testing all the challenges
Moo for looking through failing demos to work out exactly what was going wrong
Crimson Moon for playtesting the release candidate
-- and big thanks to everyone in chat who helped with bug-finding and fixing, including Doom, hyperme, NoahT and skell.
And yes, I'm going to take a break and catch up with other projects, but there will be a similar update for
The City Beneath.
50th Skywatcher
[Last edited by mrimer at 12-18-2015 04:48 AM]