I've been getting a crash in Elemental Showcase 5.0 : Interlude: The Scorching Path : 1 East, 3 North. Seems related to exploding the fegundo on the second WW (onto the pressure plate). Crashes (flakily) in heaps of ways, including [when / after / undoing after] exploding the fegundo [in a game / in a demo], clicking the room on the restore page, [clicking / finishing watching] a demo of the room, etc. Hopefully one of those will repro?
DROD version
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<
::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x000000010034646c CCurrentGame::PlayAllCommands(CCueEvents&, bool) + 856
7 drod 0x00000001003471bd CCurrentGame::LoadFromSavedGame(unsigned int, CCueEvents&, bool, bool) + 1637
8 drod 0x000000010036b456 CDb::GetSavedCurrentGame(unsigned int, CCueEvents&, bool, bool) + 180
9 drod 0x0000000100104813 CGameScreen::LoadSavedGame(unsigned int, bool, bool) + 143
10 drod 0x0000000100144480 CRestoreScreen::RestoreGame() + 556
11 drod 0x0000000100149411 CRestoreScreen::OnClick(unsigned int) + 213
12 drod 0x00000001002ab865 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 773
13 drod 0x00000001002ab961 CEventHandlerWidget::HandleEvent(SDL_Event const&) + 105
14 drod 0x00000001002ac5b2 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 90
15 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
16 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
A few more example stack traces:
Click here to view the secret text
×0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x0000000100104102 CGameScreen::ProcessCommand(int, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 158
7 drod 0x0000000100061cb3 CDemoScreen::OnBetweenEvents() + 1071
8 drod 0x00000001002abeec CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleBetweenEvents() + 1264
9 drod 0x00000001002ac677 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 287
10 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
11 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x0000000100397ea3 CDbDemo::Test(CIDList&, bool, bool) const + 1453
7 drod 0x00000001003992f7 CDbDemo::GetNarrationText(std::basic_string<__gnu_cxx::character<unsigned short, int, __mbstate_t>, std::char_traits<__gnu_cxx::character<unsigned short, int, __mbstate_t> >, std::allocator<__gnu_cxx::character<unsigned short, int, __mbstate_t> > >&, unsigned int&, bool, bool) const + 93
8 drod 0x0000000100069ced CDemosScreen::SetWidgetsToDemo(unsigned int) + 2131
9 drod 0x000000010006aa0a CDemosScreen::PopulateDemoListBox() + 2128
10 drod 0x000000010006d3c7 CDemosScreen::SetForActivate() + 725
11 drod 0x000000010030ce54 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 206
12 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x000000010034646c CCurrentGame::PlayAllCommands(CCueEvents&, bool) + 856
7 drod 0x00000001003471bd CCurrentGame::LoadFromSavedGame(unsigned int, CCueEvents&, bool, bool) + 1637
8 drod 0x000000010036b456 CDb::GetSavedCurrentGame(unsigned int, CCueEvents&, bool, bool) + 180
9 drod 0x0000000100147fa1 CRestoreScreen::ChooseRoomSavedGame(unsigned int) + 141
10 drod 0x00000001001483b8 CRestoreScreen::ChooseRoomLatest(unsigned int, unsigned int) + 136
11 drod 0x00000001001491fb CRestoreScreen::OnSelectChange(unsigned int) + 199
12 drod 0x00000001001ff5a6 CMapWidget::HandleMouseDown(SDL_MouseButtonEvent const&) + 302
13 drod 0x00000001002ab278 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleMouseDown(SDL_MouseButtonEvent const&) + 320
14 drod 0x00000001002ab98b CEventHandlerWidget::HandleEvent(SDL_Event const&) + 147
15 drod 0x00000001002ac5b2 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 90
16 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
17 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x000000010034565c CCurrentGame::PlayCommandsToTurn(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 650
7 drod 0x0000000100345c12 CCurrentGame::SetTurn(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 1124
8 drod 0x0000000100345d86 CCurrentGame::UndoCommands(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 290
9 drod 0x00000001001010cb CGameScreen::UndoMove() + 407
10 drod 0x00000001001032c0 CGameScreen::ProcessCommand(int, bool) + 318
11 drod 0x00000001000f23c9 CGameScreen::OnKeyDown(unsigned int, SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 663
12 drod 0x00000001002ab8c3 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 867
13 drod 0x00000001002ab961 CEventHandlerWidget::HandleEvent(SDL_Event const&) + 105
14 drod 0x00000001002ac5b2 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 90
15 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
16 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x000000010010345a CGameScreen::ProcessCommand(int, bool) + 728
7 drod 0x00000001000f23c9 CGameScreen::OnKeyDown(unsigned int, SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 663
8 drod 0x00000001002ab8c3 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 867
9 drod 0x00000001002ab961 CEventHandlerWidget::HandleEvent(SDL_Event const&) + 105
10 drod 0x00000001002ac5b2 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 90
11 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
12 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613
0 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x00007fff90454783 std::_Rb_tree_increment(std::_Rb_tree_node_base const*) + 16
1 drod 0x00000001003dca9b std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<ROOMCOORD>::operator++() + 27
2 drod 0x00000001004232e9 CDbRoom::ProcessActiveFiretraps(CCueEvents&) + 407
3 drod 0x000000010042c082 CDbRoom::ProcessTurn(CCueEvents&, bool) + 1158
4 drod 0x000000010033ba6a CCurrentGame::ProcessReactionToPlayerMove(int, CCueEvents&) + 276
5 drod 0x000000010034423c CCurrentGame::ProcessCommand(int, CCueEvents&, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2764
6 drod 0x000000010034565c CCurrentGame::PlayCommandsToTurn(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 650
7 drod 0x0000000100345c12 CCurrentGame::SetTurn(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 1124
8 drod 0x0000000100345d86 CCurrentGame::UndoCommands(unsigned int, CCueEvents&) + 290
9 drod 0x00000001001010cb CGameScreen::UndoMove() + 407
10 drod 0x00000001001032c0 CGameScreen::ProcessCommand(int, bool) + 318
11 drod 0x00000001000f23c9 CGameScreen::OnKeyDown(unsigned int, SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 663
12 drod 0x00000001002ab8c3 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate_HandleKeyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent const&) + 867
13 drod 0x00000001002ab961 CEventHandlerWidget::HandleEvent(SDL_Event const&) + 105
14 drod 0x00000001002ac5b2 CEventHandlerWidget::Activate() + 90
15 drod 0x000000010030d119 CScreenManager::ActivateScreen(unsigned int) + 915
16 drod 0x000000010003d5dd SDL_main + 5613