New Elements 1W: Add a checkpoint between the sections. It's a pity you don't need to set off the bomb to conquer the room -- perhaps delete the C-token and add a roach that can only be killed by the explosion? (You'd need to provide a way to get off the arrow, of course.)
1N: Checkpoint by the orb.
1E: The plural is "
. Remove the words "
beneath it"
(the tarstuff is not beneath the firetraps!)
New Objects 1N1E: Why is there scripting to remove the wall at (10,25)? It's not nice to give the player a puzzle with hidden information, and anyway it's solvable without using that. You can step on the disarm token twice to get your sword back and kill the brains.
2E: Why not make a puzzle involving all the ways seeding beacons can be activated?
2W: I see the sentence is meant to continue from one scroll to the next. Then the first should end "
what you did before you..."
with the ellipsis showing it's incomplete, and the second should not have an initial capital.
There is a lot to take in here, and I would break it down into (1) the basics, (2) pushing a temporal projection, (3) what happens when a temporal projection tries to make a blocked move, with a separate puzzle room for each.
1N1W: You get a one-turn stun when an attempted push move is blocked.
1N2W: You could show the tarstuff interaction more dramatically by using a blob that would be uncuttable with a sword (though you will have to provide a way to get back!)
1N3W: Hmmm... you didn't mention that tar won't grow onto disabled force arrows back in the disabled force arrows section
2N1W: spelling: "
. Staff pushes don't have a fixed stun duration -- they are the same as with other pushing weapons, two turns if the monster can move, just one if it's blocked.
The scroll about staffs not exploding bombs comes after the player has been forced to regain their sword to take out the tar mothers. You should add a force arrow so that it would be safe to explode the bomb, if you could.
New Monsters 1W: Remove the scroll at (25,12). (I see you've corrected the misleading information on the
other scroll, so you don't need this one.)
Puffs form ice when they kill another monster or are pushed into another puff on water. It's possible to do that in this room, but tricky, so a checkpoint is necessary. Also, the scroll says the wubbas will go away when ice is
formed, but they are scripted to disappear when ice is
1E: This really needs to be two rooms -- the constructs from the first part will reanimate while solving the second, and it's way too fiddly to get all of them down at once.
1S: spelling: "
. Nice simple puzzle for the C-token
50th Skywatcher