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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Bugs : There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects).
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icon There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (+1)  
I went to Graphics and Sound in Settings to see if maybe the red guard death splatter had been removed unintentionally, and I'm a bit confused by the two sliders under Alpha Blending. What does the left side and right side of those bars mean? Is right "better graphics" maybe? Also, does modifying them have any effect when Alpha Blending is not selected?


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06-24-2014 at 07:43 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (0)  
They function separately, but not entirely independently. Because if you turn EE all the way up then the difference between having AB on and off can clearly be seen in reflection of clouds in water... AB makes them move (and you can have your transparent tar with it in either position). But turning EE all the way down (which is off, but for TA that end is full transparency) is the only way I found yesterday to see the shallow water in TSS:CiaE, because any clouds at all just makes it very difficult in that style.
06-24-2014 at 10:49 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (0)  
bwross wrote:
But turning EE all the way down (which is off, but for TA that end is full transparency) is the only way I found yesterday to see the shallow water in TSS:CiaE, because any clouds at all just makes it very difficult in that style.
The shallow water texture for Beach style was changed, but I'm not sure I like the new texture's color. As you say, it blends in far too much. We may consider changing it back.
06-24-2014 at 11:22 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (0)  
It was kind of like trying to read a message written in matte black on shiny black paper. Only moving my head to the side to get a different lighting angle doesn't work. Nor did turning on puzzle mode (I was hoping it would do something to make things clearer and save me the trips to the options menu).

[Last edited by bwross at 06-25-2014 12:29 AM]
06-24-2014 at 11:46 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (0)  
bwross wrote:
It was kind of like trying to read a message written in matte black on shiny black paper. Only moving my head to the side to get a different lighting angle doesn't work. Nor did turning on puzzle mode (I was hoping it would do something to make things clearer and save me the trips to the options menu).
Yikes! I hadn't realized this. I'm fixing this in 5.0.1 so shallow water in Beach style is easier to distinguish from deep water.

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07-06-2014 at 02:32 AM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (+7)  
I've fixed it, somewhat: PR.

I've modified how the Environmental Effects slider looks by adding visually where the steps are and marking every 4th step differently, and updated the help files. If you've got more specific suggestions on how to improve them, please create a new Feature Request thread!

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10-12-2020 at 12:40 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (+1)  
I can confirm in 5.1.1.alpha.2020-10-18 that the bigger ticks are present on the enviornmental effects slider.

I can confirm that the second larger tick enables mid-move shadowcasting animation, and the third enables light sources around timeclones.

I can confirm moving to 0 turns off weather and lights.

I don't really see any difference regarding bomb particles, maybe it's subtle.

I cannot confirm until the release candidate if the supplied help files have these changes, I can only go buy the screenshot in skell's post.
10-18-2020 at 07:08 PM
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icon Re: There is no axis label for Alpha Blending effects (I'm assuming EE and TA are AB effects). (+1)  
Changing release to 5.1.1 Release Candidate so that it can be double checked again then, that the help files are indeed accurate

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10-18-2020 at 07:26 PM
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