In the interest of not being completely negative, the third level was a significant improvement over the other two.
Specific critique:
Click here to view the secret text
The Basement
You can slip the WW through the first diagonal force arrow, skipping most of the puzzle. Otherwise a nice room.
The Towers
1N1W - If you have one orb that does something different from all the others, you should mark it, either by putting a different floor type under it or some other method.
1N1E - Could use a checkpoint.
1S1W - Strongest room in the hold. Getting the guard in the right position to prevent the tar from growing into an unmanageable shape took some interesting manipulation.
1E - Solid concept, though to make things more interesting you might want to try giving the player fewer golems.
In retrospect, giving it a 2 was a bit harsh. That end of the scale should probably be reserved for such "
as the infamous Sam 8. Revised to a 4, since aside from that one room there are no glaring flaws. That room I ranted about earlier, while certainly not a highlight, wasn't quite as tedious as it seemed at first glance.
The overall structure of the hold is also pretty interesting, completing levels to open up new parts of a main hub adds a fun exploration element.
As far as first holds go, it really isn't bad. For future holds, ask someone to proofread the text though. When the first word of the intro text is misspelled, that changes my approach from a neutral "
let's see what this hold is like"
viewpoint to a rather cantankerous "
let's see what else is wrong"
Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce,
The Devil's Dictionary
[Last edited by Pinnacle at 01-30-2014 12:50 AM]