So, I've encountered a strange redraw bug that seems to be related with not redrawing the whole screen: Sometimes when placing a mimic or a clone the red marker that implies the entity can't be placed there doesn't dissappear even after moving the cursor to a different spot, as well in GatEB as in TCB (funnily enough, I haven't yet been able to repoduce this with decoys). I've attached a picture that shows the bug.
The whole thing seems rather random to me, but the main condition that seems to have be fulfilled is that you move the cursor from a square directly west to the player to the east.
Also I move the cursor pretty quickly from the west to the east to repoduce this quickly, but I don't think it would be necessary.
I think it's indipendant of the row the player stands in.
The marker disappears again when I switch from windowed to full screen or when the bolt between the player and the mimic/clone touches the red spot, so I guess whenever that square is forced to be redrawn.
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by skell at 10-16-2020 12:31 PM : Inlined attachment]