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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : like roaches? or not. (if you like D.R.O.D. roaches you can say whatever you want if not i will report)
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Registered: 01-18-2010
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File: roach.gif (770 bytes)
Downloaded 85 times.
License: Public Domain
icon like roaches? or not. (0)  
if you likees :thumbsup if you don't like es :thumbsdown

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Dear cnet members i dont intend to be annoying i just wanna learn. sincerely, mattpd.
and if you mod me down your a Meanie :angry

[Last edited by matthewpd at 02-17-2010 06:17 PM]
02-14-2010 at 11:35 PM
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icon Re: like roaches? or not. (0)  
Not sure what you're asking here. That roach looks darker and the lines more defined when diagonal. Consistency would be nice.

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
02-15-2010 at 01:54 AM
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icon Re: like roaches? or not. (+2)  
I like big bugs and I cannot lie.

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Slay the living! Raise the dead!
Paint the sky in crimson red!
02-15-2010 at 04:38 PM
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icon Re: like roaches? or not. (+2)  
Maurog wrote:
I like big bugs and I cannot lie.

You can't smite this.
Da na na na na da na na na na
You can't smite this.

Slayers hit me so h--


dungeon time
02-16-2010 at 07:22 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2488
Registered: 09-10-2004
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icon Re: like roaches? or not. (+2)  
If you've got a dungeon, yo I'll solve it
Watch for the hook while the Slayer's revolving

Smite smite baby (roach-killer)
Smite smite baby (roach-killer)
Smite smite baby (roach-killer)
Smite smite baby (roach-killer)

(word to your nephew)
02-17-2010 at 02:01 AM
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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : like roaches? or not. (if you like D.R.O.D. roaches you can say whatever you want if not i will report)
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