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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ? (Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ?)
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Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ?
Sure, why not?
Yes, but we should have a separate FAQ for game-related questions.
No. The FAQ should contain forum related information only. Read the Help menu already.
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icon Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ? (+2)  
People ask again and again about demos. How to I download a demo? Where do I find the demo I downloaded? How do I import it? How do I save demo? You get the idea. Here are just some of the posts I found with a quick search:

I know there is detailed information available in-game in the Help section, but either people don't notice the Help section, or they don't understand it.

Suggestion: add a demo information section to the FAQ

It could pretty much repeat what's in the Help menu, though I think the phrasing and organization could be improved. I would also recommend including a step by step explanation of how to download a file from the forum and import it into the game. Of course, there will be people who don't check the FAQ either, but at least when they ask, we can point them there instead of explaining once again how to import/export/save a demo.

I'd be happy to volunteer to write and submit it for approval/editing if the admins think this is a good idea.
03-12-2009 at 04:06 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 11-22-2006
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icon Re: Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ? (0)  
While we're on the subject of the FAQ, there seems to be two of them : this one, which is linked to from the FAQ link under the Beethro head at the top of each forum page; and this one which is linked to from the first post in the stickied FAQ thread on the Site board.

There is different information in both, but it's a little confusing to have two. Could they be amalgamated?

Another suggestion, since I'm still on the subject : add the room scoring system. It's been suggested at least once before and I'm not sure why it hasn't been added. I can't find the information in the Help menu or either FAQ. Unless you stumble across a post where someone outlined the system, you won't know how it works, and some (i.e. me until I'd played for about six months) might not even realize that scoring occurs.

[Last edited by noma at 03-12-2009 05:31 AM]
03-12-2009 at 04:33 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 03-07-2004
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icon Re: Should demo explanations be added to the FAQ? (+1)  
The reason for the two separate articles is that one is the FAQ for using the forums, and the other is for the actual CaravelNet service itself.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
03-13-2009 at 03:54 AM
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