Level: Smiter

Rank Points: 385
Registered: 05-05-2006
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Re: About scripts (+1)
Getting something to activate only if a queen dies is impossible.
The closest you can come is have a massive script that predicts the queen's movement (and that would activate the door if the queen is not there), but it still can't account for other enemies, which in reality act as walls.
There are plenty of other things you can try depending on the reason that you only want to test if a queen dies:
If you want the player to kill the queen quickly, try having arrows on the edge of the playing field that the queen can cross but can't return.
If you want the queen to be left alive, have a pressure plate and a hot tile where you want her to go (and box it off with inward arrows so that Beethro will be trapped if he tries to go on the pressure plate).
If the queen doesn't need to make roaches for your puzzle to work, make a Roach Queen NPC that is scripted to move away from Beethro (this is tough to script, but possible) and make another NPC open the door after a Wait for event NPC Stabbed.
Cover her paths with Open Yellow Doors to give a reason why she isn't making roaches.
But if you just want a normal, roach-producing queen to open a door when killed, no matter where you kill it... sorry, no can do.
Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.
[Last edited by Kwakstur at 02-16-2009 03:26 AM]