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icon PDA freeware? (0)  
I thought it would be easy to find some programs for my hp iPAQ 110, but I'm starting to realize that there isn't a great deal of free software for it.

Right now I'm looking for some image editing software (even some as simple as Paint) and some worthwhile games. Any ideas?

I'm also looking for some development software for my PC, so I could make some of my own stuff for it. I'd never finish making a program I could use, but at least I could talk like I will.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 01-17-2009 08:12 PM : Got rid of my sister's vandalism. I think.]
12-29-2008 at 11:36 PM
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icon PDA freeware! (+4)  
I come bearing gifts. This is all stuff I found over time. I can attest to the fact that all this software works on ARM devices running Windows Mobile 6 (which is actually "CE OS 5.x"; I'll be calling it WM5 rather than WM6).
These programs work even if, like mine, the device isn't a phone (though some need extra work if that's the case).

These are not necessarily mobile-friendly links. If you can't download from these sites directly on your device, access these sites on your computer and Sync the .cabs to the mobile.
You've probably already heard of some of these, but they're worth mentioning nonetheless.

I also added screenshots.:yay

Total Commander (a better File Explorer)
The File Explorer that comes with WM5 can't do anything. Probably the most advanced thing it can do is create shortcuts.
But Total Commander is another story. This little thing lets you do everything you miss being able to do when exploring files on your mobile device. A full feature list is below.
Click here to view the secret text
You may notice that my link is to the "Pocket PC" version instead of "Windows CE." PPC is what you want for WM5; "CE" refers to old Windows CE OS 2.x devices, before the "Mobile" moniker. Interestingly, the PPC TC will still appear as "Total Commander/CE" in the Running Program List.
Click here to view the secret text

The Core Pocket Media Player
This is a versatile Media Player. Here is a list of supported file formats. This list was shamelessly stolen from one of several websites that appear to have shamelessly stolen it from eachother.
Click here to view the secret text
Be sure to download the available plugins.
By the way, I downloaded v0.66. I can't remember if there were complications that prevented me from getting the later versions, but the link I provided does have that version just in case.
Another warning: In order to free up resources used by TCPMP, you may have to do a hard reset. On my PDA, whether I go to File>>Exit or bring up the running programs list and stop it, I always get a WSOD (white screen of death) when trying to close TCPMP.

Archive utilities:
SKKV UnPacker (for [.gzip].tar, .cab files that aren't installers, and a few rare types like .lzh and b64)
Pocket RAR (for .rar and .zip)
Note 1: UnPacker is only an extract utility. It cannot make archives.
Note 2: The .exe installer for Pocket RAR is for the computer. Connect your device to the computer before running the installer and it should transfer.

Jbed (or another Java MIDlet manager)
Windows Mobile lacks built-in Java support, so it doesn't support pretty much any common cell phone applets. This program is used for managing such applets.
It is a complicated and lengthy process to get this working if you don't know where to look for information. The reason I don't provide a download link here is because what I provide may not be the right one for your situation.
But let me tell you right now: If you have Windows Mobile and want to run a cellphone app, this is the end-all resource.
The MIDlet Bible
The accompianing "Main Chart".
If you can't find the answer to your situation in there, look again.
Me? I had to first download Phone.dll and SMS.dll from the Main Chart (in Platform Compatibility: Non-phone PPC under Jeodek) and copy them to \Windows. Then I had download the Cloudyfa version of JBed. I think there's a link to a mirror in the MIDlet bible, but if all else fails, Google "".

This enables you to use a LOT of programs you couldn't use before (though most of them are games). For a Caravelgames example, Curzon's Mobile DROD can be run in a MIDlet.
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Web Browsing
Let's face it. Internet Explorer [Mobile] sucks. Luckily, there's Opera and Skyfire. You have three choices.
One is Opera Mini. This is a Java cellphone app. In other words, you need a MIDlet manager like Jbed. Opera Mini is awesome to see in action and is fun to use, although it really is meant for cellphones.
Opera also offers Opera Mobile, a browser for Symbian and Windows Mobile touchscreen PDAs. IMO, this is clunky and not very awesome. It's basically Internet Explorer [Mobile] with tabs and Javascript; yes, you CAN search the H&S board with it.;)
The last is Skyfire, a flash-equipped browser that can stream video. There is no link for this because you have to access the page directly on your mobile (do a mobile web search for it).
Here's a list of differences:
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Click here to view the secret text

And here's some stuff for you developers.

Pike (Icon and small bitmap editing) (requires PocketC below)
(Note: The screenshots in the link are from the old and very wide HP Jornada 720. On modern devices, the program is appropriately scaled down, and the obsolete "mask" feature is simply disabled)
I searched and searched and searched for good bitmapping software, and all I could find were 1) several sketching programs, 2) one MIDlet that could make pixel perfect bitmaps (BUT IN 1-BIT COLOR!! :angry), and 3) Pike, a promising icon-creation program that didn't run. Yesterday, I stumbled upon the Readme for Pike and read it a little more closely. In minutes, I installed the needed runtimes, and tried to run Pike again to find out that it is the holy grail (for me) of mobile image editing software. Here are its features:
Click here to view the secret text
Click here to view the secret text

OrbWorks' PocketC Runtimes and Development Tools
Required for Pike. This too is a relic of the past, discontinued for CE after CE OS 2, before Windows devices started using flash memory for storage. But what's neat is that it's a fully functional programming language that can in fact be written on the device.
I downloaded the runtimes so I could run Pike, and the development kit came with it, so I was pleasantly surprised with this newfound ability to program on my device.
Unfortunately, it's a compiled language rather than interpreted, and the default IDE, which starts you off with a completely blank document to program in, really just tosses you out there. This is a very beginner-unfriendly language. Experience in C is required, and so is being able to look stuff up in the documentation, because it has some really weird function names.
Nevertheless, I wrote hello world rather quickly.
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I must say, I'm really not sure which version of the runtimes I should've downloaded. I got the PPC version, but it wouldn't surprise me if one of the others there was more compatible with my device. You might have to experiment...
Oh, by the way, see one of my later posts for a link to a guide I wrote for getting the broken image functions to work.
Click here to view the secret text

Haven't found any good games yet. I might add more stuff to this list later on.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 03-15-2009 10:12 PM]
01-28-2009 at 02:05 AM
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icon Re: PDA freeware? (+1)  
As for games, some people really like POWDER, a graphical roguelike.

It's been written specifically so the author has something to play on his GBA. There are also versions for PSP, Nintendo DS, and source code to compile for other platforms.


02-01-2009 at 11:52 AM
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icon Re: PDA freeware? (0)  
Kwakstur wrote:
I thought it would be easy to find some programs for my hp iPAQ 110, but I'm starting to realize that there isn't a great deal of free software for it.

Right now I'm looking for some image editing software (even some as simple as Paint) and some worthwhile games. Any ideas?

I'm also looking for some development software for my PC, so I could make some of my own stuff for it. I'd never finish making a program I could use, but at least I could talk like I will.

Try POCKET F.A.L.L.O.U.T. - it's a pocket pc version of Fallout 2.

02-01-2009 at 02:38 PM
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icon Re: PDA freeware? (0)  
vittro wrote:
Try POCKET F.A.L.L.O.U.T. - it's a pocket pc version of Fallout 2.
Unfortunately, that game has too much Russian text for me to have any clue what's going on.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.
02-01-2009 at 09:52 PM
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icon Re: PDA freeware? (+1)  
If you haven't played Fallout 2 yet, I recommend you replay it until you've memorized every bit of text, then play the PDA version.

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
02-02-2009 at 02:27 AM
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icon More PDA freeware! (+1)  
Did you try out PocketC? Can't get imgload, imgtrans, and CaptureBMP to work?
Here's a guide to fixing this, written by yours truly.

And of course, here's some more software!

First, to improve WinMo's default features:

Spb Pocket Plus
We all know Windows Mobile has its issues. The default Open and Save As dialogs are terrible. The Close button never actually closes anything. No worries, these and many other things are fixed by Spb Pocket Plus, a program that extends the functionality of all the default WinMo software! Full list below:
Click here to view the secret text
Click here to view the secret text

I might did edit my posts here with stuff obtained from this next program:

Iliumsoft Screen Capture
It does exactly what you think it does: Snap a picture. You can choose a hardware button to take the shot with.
Note that you have to minimize the program after starting it, not close it. If you just got Spb and it's going to bug you having to make the downwards gesture to minimize it, feel free to turn off the autoclose feature in Spb.

Here's an interesting emulator:

This is wild: It lets you play LucasArts (and recently some other companies) point-and-click adventures made for various platforms on your PDA! Here's a compatibility list.
It's neat, and it's interesting how this supports so many different formats of games, but it really isn't that easy to use.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 03-17-2009 12:43 AM]
03-15-2009 at 06:33 PM
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