Alright my friends! It's time to vote for your favorite entry to the "
Passing the Vegetable Torch"
contest. Here's a few quick rules to note for voting:
1. Please view all four entries with loving care and attention before making your selection.
2. If you participated in the contest, please vote for someone besides yourself.... Please.
3. As I did not establish rules for naming files, or providing information to go along with the creation, I've decided to make any information that was provided to me in the submission thread, available here, including titles or descriptions.
4. If you'd like to post your thoughts, please use this formatting to hide your comments until after voting is complete, or simply wait until voting has finished. The formatting to use is:
[unhidetime=11/13/2008 12:59 PM]Your hidden text.[/unhidetime]
5. I'm probably forgetting something, but what the heck, vote away!
6. By the way, my selections for my own personal prize distribution are:
Click here to view the secret text
First place, and winner of my 2007 Aumtlich Lantern is:
eb0ny! and the Potato Roach!
Second place, and the winner of a new carving kit for next year is:
Jason! and the Sword!
[Last edited by ClaytonW at 11-05-2008 02:44 PM]