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icon Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+15)  
Architectopedia - Advanced architect handbook
An advanced handbook for every architect who wants to polish his and her skills. It contains all the information you need about _MyScript variables to make your life easier (But my was not easy as I had to write it beforehand).
This idea came to me when TFMurphy told me about how MoveTo works. I have decided to make this Architectopedia. This is really big and detailed. I tried not to make mistakes. If you find some typos, grammar errors or other mistakes, I will be pleased to fix them, just tell me what is wrong. If you know of functionality of some other commands in game, I'll gladly listen.
Version updated to DROD RPG 1.1:
First of all thanks to Mrimer for fixing all these bugs which I have managed to spot. Some others were found and I will post them on Bug Report board immediately. This time I wasn't checking everything (It would be too time consuming) but I tested all things which previously failed to work fine. At the bottom there is a change log, so take a look to see what changed.

So let us begin:

(1) - If anywhere you see word "Buzz" or "Buzzer", keep yourself away from that thing. Don't build that thing nor create such entity - or you will make yourself unhappy.
(2) - If I say CRASHES DROD! KEEP AWAY FROM IT! I mean it. Honestly speaking, it took me around 40 crashes to realize that I have spotted them all.
(3) - When being asked for Width and Height of rectangle, remember that length of 1 tile is represented by number 0. so a 1x1 square will have W=0 H=0, 5x8 -> W=4 H=7
(4) - When there is a number in parenthesis, it means that putting any other number is meaningless
(5) - Room size is 16x16. Top-left tile is 0x0, bottom right is 15x15
(6) - Things marked with (?) are potentially buggy, or not yet checked fully.
(7) - Flags - when something is said to be Flags you should have a list similar to this:
0 - Coordinates
1 - Player
2 - NPC
4 - Monster
8 - Self
16 - Stalwart
So if you set it to 1, the player will be selected. If to 2 NPC. 4 Monster and so on. IF, however, you wanted to select MORE than one at once, sum the values. So to select Player and mosnter 1+4=5. Stalwart+Self+NPC=16+8+2=26.
(8) At the bottom there is a list of other useful information about scripting I have found.

Activate Item At:
_MyScriptX - X position of item to activate (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of item to activate (0-15)

Ambient Sound At:
Remember that the closer you are to the sound, the louder it is and vice versa
_MyScriptX - X position of sound to play (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of sound to play (0-15)

Appear At:
_MyScriptX - X position to appear to (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position to appear to (0-15)

It was really tedious, so it is quite probable there are typos and small mistakes. See footnotes for important informations.
_MyScriptX - X position of Top-Left corner to build (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of Top-Left corner to build (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Width of the build range(0-15 - if negative nothing is built)
_MyScriptH - Height of the build range(0-15 - if negative nothing is built)
_MyScriptF - What to build:
00-Clear Items, bonuses, potions, keys, Briar(Both), Map, Mirror, fuses, bombs
01-Floor (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
02-Pit (Items, enemies, tars, player, briars, scrolls, bombs fall down, orbs)
03-Stairs Down (End of Hold) (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
04-Wall (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
05-Broken Wall (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
06-Blue Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
07-Green Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
08-Red Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
09-Yellow Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
10-Open Yellow Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
11-Trapdoor over pit (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
12-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
13-Arrow N (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
14-Arrow NE (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
15-Arrow E (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
16-Arrow SE (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
17-Arrow S (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
18-Arrow SW (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
19-Arrow W (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
20-Arrow NW (Removes ortho-squares and other arrows)
21-Medium Health (Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
22-Large Health (The same)
23-Empty Scrolls (The same)
24-Orbs Give buss when placed over pressure plates(The Same)
25-34 - Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
35-Tar (Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment) (Can be created on 1x1 square in which case is indestructible by sword)
36-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
37-Tar (Black) Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
38-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
39-Briar Root (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
40-Briar (The same) (Unconnected Briar)
41-Red briar (The same) ("Connected Briar")
42-Clears Arrows and Ortho squares
43-Bomb (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
44-Fuse (The same)
45-Ortho-Square (Clears Arrows)
46-Token - All eqipment (and keys) turns into Tokens, based on their position on List. If exceeds - Buzz. (Use with caution!!!) (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment) (Use with caution!!!)
47-Tunnel Up (All first category stuff excepting Platforms) (removes other tunnels)
48-Tunnel Down (All first category stuff excepting Platforms) (removes other tunnels)
49-Mirrors (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
50-Power Gem (The Same)
51-Shield Gem (The Same)
52-Platform over water Looks like water, but when you try to move it gives buzz! (All first category but platforms)
53-Platform over pit Looks like pit, but when you try to move it gives buzz! (All first category but platforms)
54-Floor Mosaic (All first category but platforms)
55-Road (The Same)
56-Grass (The Same)
57-Dirt Floor (The Same)
58-Alternate Floor (The Same)
59-Greckle Gate (The Same)
60-Mud (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment) (Can be created on 1x1 square in which case is destructible)
61-Stairs Up (End of hold) (All first category but platforms)
62-Secret Wall (The Same)
63-Tunnel Right (All first category but platforms) (removes other tunnels)
64-Tunnel Left (The Same)
65-Custom Floor (All first category but platforms)
66-Wall Hard Filler (The same)
67-Water (equipment, bonuses, orbs, Tars, enemies, bombs mirrors, scrolls, map, drown) (All first category stuff excepting Platforms) (Keys are left to collect)
68-Open Green Gate (All first category but platforms)
69-Open Blue Gate (The Same)
70-Open Red Gate (The Same)
71-Open Tar (Black) Gate (The same)
72-Trapdoor over Water (The same)
73-Oremites (The Same)
74-Light Poles (Keys, items, equipment, bonuses, briars, mirror, bomb, fuse, map) (Inactive unless you Undo, then give weakes light)
75-Hot Tiles (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
76-Gel (removes Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment) (Can be created on 1x1 square in which case is indestructible)
77-Level Map (Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
78-Pressure Plate (Unpressable) (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
79-Bridge Normal (The Same) (Droppable, drops by itself if surrounded by pits)
80-Bridge Horizontal (The Same) (Droppable, drops by itself if surrounded by pits)
81-Bridge Vertical (The Same) (Droppable, drops by itself if surrounded by pits)
82-Image Pit (Items, enemies, tars, player, briars, scrolls, bombs fall down, orbs)
83-Image Wall (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
84-Removes Ortho and Arrows (Works fine) AND removes PLATFORMS GRAPHICS and makes them behave like in 52 & 53 (!)
85-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
86-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
87-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
88-Open Greckle Gate (All first category stuff excepting Platforms)
89-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)
90-Small health (Briars, fuses, keys, items, bombs. map, mirror, bonuses, equipment)
91-Nothing (Does nothing, doesn't seem to lead to errors of any kind)

Negative Values:

All listed here items remove - keys, equipment, briars, maps, bomb, items, bonuses and mirrors.
-1 - Yellow key
-2 - Green Key
-3 - Blue Key
-4 - Skeleton Key
-5 - Bomb explosion (Kills ^^)
-6 - Wooden Blade
-7 - Small Sword
-8 - Goblin Bitter
-9 - Long Sword
-10 -Hook
-11 - Really Big Sword
-12 - Lucky Blade
-13 -Wyrm Smiter
-14 - Briar Hacker
-15 - Weapon Slot
-16 - Wooden Shield
-17 - Bronze Shield
-18 - Steel Shield
-19 - Knight Shield
-20 - Oremite Shield
-21 - Shield Slot
-22 - Grappling Hook
-23 - Flippers
-24 - Invisibility Potion
-25 - Speed Potion
-26 - Hand Bomb
-27 - Pick Axe
-28 - Warp Token
-29 - Portable Orb
-30 - Lucky Greckle
-31 - Wall Walking
-32 - VIP Card
-33 - Accessory Slot

Note! - When there is (?) next to item, or when there is Buzz, it means that in some non understandable for us way, that item can either be harmful for hold (The quotation mark) or almost for sure can be harmful (The buzz). Heed my suggestion, and don't use these!
Note! - When there is list of items in Parenthesis, it means that these object will be deleted when building upon them. So:
54-Floor Mosaic (All first category but platforms)
Means that when building 54, all walls, pits, water, hot tiles, oremites, etc, etc, except platforms will be removed to make space for Mosaic Floor.

Cut Scene:
_MyScriptX - Time per move (in Millisecs) (0-Infinity)

Face Direction:
_MyScriptX - Direction to face:
4-No Direction - Kills sworder characters (o_O)
9-Rotate CW
10-Rotate CCW

Game Effect:
_MyScriptX - X position of effect (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of effect (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Direction of effect:
9-Rotate CW
10-Rotate CCW

_MyScriptH - The effect:
D/C - Means that direction matters/doesn't matter
S/M - Means that it has sound/is mute

00 DS - Blood Splatter
01 DS - Mud Splatter
02 DS - Tar Splatter
03 DS - Gel Splatter
04 DS - Seep Splatter
05 DS - Golem Splatter (Broken wall destroy)
06 CS - Slayer Splatter
07 DS - Debris
08 DS - Spark (Fuse)
09 CS - Explosion
10 CS - Splash
11 CS - Steam
12 CS - Jitter (like when starting level)
13 CM - Vermin
14 CS - Bolt

15 CS - Monster Bite (only sound)
16 CS - Parry
17 - None
18 CS - Strong Hit
19 CS - Equip (Only Sound)

_MyScriptF - Sound 0=Off 1=On

Generate Entity:
_MyScriptX - X position of Entity (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of Entity (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Entity orientation:
4-No Direction - Buzz when character has no "no direction" graphic
9-Rotate CW
10-Rotate CCW

_MyScriptH - Entity Type:
01-Roach Queen
02-Roach Egg
06-Evil Eye
08-Tar Mother left eye
09-Tar Baby
15-Rock Golem
16-Water Skipper
28-Red Guard
30-Mud Mother Left Eye
31-Tar Baby
32-Gel Mother Left Eye
33-Gel Baby
34-Gray Man
35-Top Left corner of Rock Giant (Works fine but looks certainly odd
36-Mad Eye
37-Goblin King

This can also be used to create Custom Characters. Just type their ID (for example 20000).

_MyScriptX - Amount of horizontal steps character should move (-15 - 15)
_MyScriptY - Amount of vertical steps character should move (-15 - 15)
_MyScriptW - Forbid Turning 0=Off, 1=On
_MyScriptH - Single Step 0=Off, 1=On

_MyScriptX - X position where to move (0-15) Check Note.
_MyScriptY - Y position where to move (0-15) Check Note.
_MyScriptW - Forbid Turning 0=Off, 1=On
_MyScriptH - Single Step 0=Off, 1=On
_MyScriptF - Move towards (Flags):
0 - Coordinates
1 - Player
2 - NPC
4 - Monster
8 - Self
16 - Stalwart

Note! - _MyScriptX & _MyScriptY are only useful when either _MyScriptF is set to 0, or when in "Move towards to" no character is selected (Use Ctrl+LMB to uncheck)
Thanks to TFMurphy for info about this whole one!

_MyScriptX - X position of text (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Y position of text (0-15)
It only works when speaker is set to "Custom"

_MyScriptX - Affects the amount of turns to wait (0-Infinity)

Wait for Door to:
_MyScriptX - Door X position (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Door Y position (0-15)
_MyScriptF - For door to: 0=Close, 1=Open

Wait for Entity:
_MyScriptX - Top Left corner X position (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Top Left cornet Y position (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Width of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptH - Height of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptF - Entity(Flags):
1 - Player
2 - NPC (?)
4 - Monster
8 - Self
16 - Stalwart (?)

Wait for open move:
_MyScriptX - Direction:
4-Always is true

Wait for player to face:
_MyScriptX - Direction:
4-Always is false
9-When player turns CW
10-When player turns CCW

Wait for player to move:
_MyScriptX - Direction:
4-Always is false

Wait for turn:
_MyScriptX - Turn number

Wait for Entity:
_MyScriptX - Top Left corner X position (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Top Left cornet Y position (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Width of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptH - Height of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptF - Entity(Flags):
1 - Player
2 - NPC (?)
4 - Monster
8 - Self
16 - Stalwart (?)

Phew. After doing it, I feel like I gave something back to the community, and to DROD overall, for never having a chance to buy DROD :).

Scripting Quirks:
-Global character script is activated AFTER characters placed in the room scripts.
-Variables are rounded down when divided
-2147483647 is the biggest positive number possible (Thanks to Sillyman)

Version 1.11:
-Added one more scripting quirk

Version 1.10:
-Full compatibility check with version 1.1 for all previously not working/crashing/buzzing functions!
-Updates in Build
-Updates in Generate Entity
-Updates in Game Effect

Version 1.01:
-Fixed Generate Entity - some Enemy IDs were wrong
Version 1.00:

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[Last edited by skell at 04-18-2011 11:54 PM]
09-28-2008 at 10:11 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
WHOA! :Notworthy :robot

Currently working on GaTEB and KDD (never finished the silly thing). :yahoo:

[Last edited by zwetschenwasser at 09-29-2008 09:31 PM]
09-29-2008 at 09:20 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Thanks for spending time figuring all this out and posting this guide. I haven't read through most of it yet, but I trust it is accurate.
skell wrote:
(2) - When I say CRASHES DROD! KEEP AWAY FROM IT! I mean it. Honestly speaking, it took me around 40 crashes to realize that I have spotted them all.
If there are ways to use scripts to crash DROD, these are bugs needing to be fixed. May I meekly ask you to post specific scripts that will crash DROD if I run them on the Bugs board (if you haven't done so already) so that I may respond to them there as they get fixed?

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
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09-30-2008 at 05:04 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Face Direction uses _MyScriptX instead of _MyScriptF? That doesn't seem right.
09-30-2008 at 06:22 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
mrimer wrote:
May I meekly ask you to post specific scripts that will crash DROD if I run them on the Bugs board (if you haven't done so already) so that I may respond to them there as they get fixed?
It's (almost) a pleasure :). I fixed some hold quickly which gives the examples of it, and attached it to my already existing Bug post regarding the same matter.

Face Direction uses _MyScriptX instead of _MyScriptF? That doesn't seem right.

Well that's how it is. And honestly speaking I don't find it too odd :).

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09-30-2008 at 06:39 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Just wanted to push it onto front page in case someone finds it interesting and useful (And because I have updated it).

Also, I don't know if this is good enough, but I won't mind making it sticky or something :P.

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12-30-2008 at 05:11 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Nuntar wrote:
I've certainly found it useful, indeed essential, for my December contest entry :)

Glad to hear that :). I haven't had any use of it, because I am not an architect myself (No, I am more of a... Coder :D).
I think I will try my luck on RNG now.

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12-30-2008 at 05:44 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
just a quick question please... how does move work?

it all seems too vague.
two boxes and four directions?

move north/south???? west/east??? how the F''' :D do i know which way it will go..? how do i ge tit to go the otyher way?

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12-30-2008 at 10:52 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+1)  
Two boxes are responsible seperately for horizontal and vertical movement. The positive values are to the right and down, wherein negative to the top and left.
To put it simply, if you want to move East you set West/East box to 1 (or any other positive value). To move West you set it to -1 (or any other negative value). The same goes for North and South. 1 for South, -1 for North.
And if you want to move diagonally, just set both boxes.

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12-30-2008 at 11:03 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
thanks skell your awesome. :P

KDD- completed demo
12-31-2008 at 04:36 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
This thread totally needs to be stickied! It's an invaluable resource.

07-11-2009 at 07:21 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
I believe I should mention that 2147483647 is the largest possible number for a single variable.

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07-18-2009 at 09:26 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
I'm gonna go abead and bump this fella back to the first page. I don't like having to dig around for it.

10-20-2009 at 07:42 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
RoboBob3000 wrote:
I'm gonna go abead and bump this fella back to the first page. I don't like having to dig around for it.
Why not have this stickied? It's definitely worthy of the sticky section, it deserves to be there.

Plus, nobody would have to root around in the muck of long-lost pages to find it - the major point of stickies.

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10-20-2009 at 09:40 PM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+1)  
10-20-2009 at 10:06 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Wow, thanks skell. This will, I'm sure, be very helpful. Someone needed to write all the commands down. This scripting engine wasn't as self-explanatory as TCB.

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disproved. So I believe in fairies,
the myths, dragons. It all exists,
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02-23-2010 at 09:31 AM
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12th Archivist
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+1)  
skell wrote:
Wait for Entity:
_MyScriptX - Top Left corner X position (0-15)
_MyScriptY - Top Left cornet Y position (0-15)
_MyScriptW - Width of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptH - Height of Check rectangle (0-15)
_MyScriptF - Entity(Flags):
1 - Player
2 - NPC (?)
4 - Monster
8 - Self
16 - Stalwart (?)

I wanted to bump this because I found that if _MyScriptF is a character's ID, the script will check for that specific character instead of those general entities.

I suspect this will work with any script that will use _MyScriptF as a flag variable, though I haven't tested any others.

EDIT: Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate. If _MyScriptF is set to a number relatively close (within ten numbers, both ways), the test will still reports "true". If _MyScriptF is set to a number far away from the character's ID on the number line (at least eleven numbers away), the test will report "false". There are neither beeps nor breaks, though this is still inconsistent behavior.

It was going well until it exploded.
~Scott Manley

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[Last edited by 12th Archivist at 10-03-2010 04:19 AM]
10-03-2010 at 04:09 AM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
12th Archivist wrote:
EDIT: Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate. If _MyScriptF is set to a number relatively close (within ten numbers, both ways), the test will still reports "true". If _MyScriptF is set to a number far away from the character's ID on the number line (at least eleven numbers away), the test will report "false". There are neither beeps nor breaks, though this is still inconsistent behavior.
It's not inconsistent at all. It's a binary flag. That means you can Wait for Entity Player/Monster/Stalwart all at once, for example, if you just add up the appropriate IDs (21 in this case, which is 10101 in binary).
10-29-2010 at 03:18 AM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Hey compadres, I've got a request.

Can somebody in the know compile architectopedia data for the Wait For Item script in DROD 4.0? I've learned that it interacts with _MyScriptF, but I don't know any details besides that. I want to avoid trial and error, if I can help it. Thanks!

04-06-2012 at 12:03 AM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+3)  
RoboBob3000 wrote:
Hey compadres, I've got a request.

Can somebody in the know compile architectopedia data for the Wait For Item script in DROD 4.0? I've learned that it interacts with _MyScriptF, but I don't know any details besides that. I want to avoid trial and error, if I can help it. Thanks!
I could probably do it sometime later. I'd be smarter this time though, not trial-and-erroring everything by myself, but rather look into the source code ;).

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04-06-2012 at 06:37 AM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
Version 1.2.7, I'm trying to make a script that tells the player certain variables' values when they hit the special command key, but I'm not seeing whatever command in the DROD RPG engine allows that. Am I just being blind, or what?

Hold stuff I guess!
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I had an avatar at some point but then the thing stopped cooperating, ah well-
02-22-2019 at 12:58 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
[Post Deleted] Professor Tio wrote:
Version 1.2.7, I'm trying to make a script that tells the player certain variables' values when they hit the special command key, but I'm not seeing whatever command in the DROD RPG engine allows that. Am I just being blind, or what?

To use a variable's value in text, you just put the variable's name between two dollar signs.

The internet is no place to act like a wild animal.
02-22-2019 at 05:54 PM
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Professor Tio
Level: Master Delver
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Registered: 01-30-2019
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (0)  
averagemoe wrote:
[Post Deleted] Professor Tio wrote:
Version 1.2.7, I'm trying to make a script that tells the player certain variables' values when they hit the special command key, but I'm not seeing whatever command in the DROD RPG engine allows that. Am I just being blind, or what?

To use a variable's value in text, you just put the variable's name between two dollar signs.
I get that, but I'm needing the special command part of it.

Hold stuff I guess!
Click here to view the secret text
I had an avatar at some point but then the thing stopped cooperating, ah well-
02-22-2019 at 06:12 PM
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icon Re: Architectopedia 1.1 - Advanced architect handbook (+3)  
The special command is essentially a secret 4th equipment slot, so it is handled exactly the same as any other usable equipment.

Make a character and give it a default script similar to the below:
Each use Use
Go to End of Script
Label Use
  Speech "I pushed the Special Command!",Normal,Player,0,.
Label End of Script

Then make some other character use the Equipment script command to equip the above character to the Command equipment slot.

When you push the special command, the script starts executing at the label that we point to with the Each Use command. In the above example I made a label called "Use" and then set the Each Use command to point to the "Use" label. Note that we have to skip past the code that we want to execute when we push the button so it doesn't automatically trigger when we equip the command equipment.

[Last edited by kieranmillar at 02-22-2019 07:56 PM]
02-22-2019 at 07:55 PM
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