the way I did it
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×place the first mimic right behind you
use the second mimic to go across the top
after that it is just a question of placing the rest of the mimics properly
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×keep placing them on open single squares behind you
never on the rows of 3
and most important to remember
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×hit the top orb first
some mimics will die
you don't need them all to solve this
before I got side tracked what I meant to say here was
I finally finished (sort of still missing 2 rooms on tar revisited 1e can't do the entrance I can't get to until I do 1e)
there are some very nice puzzles in this hold
I loved the ones where you had to not move diagonal and had to keep your sword in 1 position
the goblin and the snakes was brilliant anticlimax 8n1w
I was 2 moves too late 20 times in a row then suddenly figured out how to pick up 4 moves on the way
unfortunately there are also some very long q-w or 5 parts
I don't mind some of that
but when you do the same thing over and over you make a typo sooner or later
these are the places that really need a check point and in your hold they never have one
I almost quit playing it a couple times because of that
grande finale 1e and anticlimax 5n, 7n, 8n are examples of this
[Edited by swann_88 on 04-01-2004 at 12:52 AM GMT]
[Edited by swann_88 on 04-01-2004 at 12:54 AM GMT]