One room that is giving me trouble is
Tar Revisited 2N2E. I can't see how to go through the south-west corridor. For the mimic to toggle both orbs, the serpent needs to be alive. The problem is you have to kill it (and solve the room) to be able to reach that mimic. Since this corridor is the only way to the wraithwings in 2N1E, I can't solve that either.
Fubar is a pretty good level although I must admit I used the editor to see the solution for the exit room.
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×The orb being a red herring in that room might be a bit unfair on the player.
The level I would absolutely hate to play again is actually
The Anticlimax. While this level introduces some very original concepts I feel the point could be made just as well with smaller rooms. They're too repetitive. I'm thinking in particular of:
- 1N and particularly 2N. Placing mimics get boring after a few.
- 5N, endless QW. My fingers really ached after that one.
- 7N and particularly 8N.
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×Press the wait key for 800+ and 5000+ (!) moves, respectively.
- and 7N1W where it's so easy to make a mistake following that snake tail.
I enjoyed the other rooms in that level. Neat trick with the goblin in 4N.
Grand Finale(L9) 1S1W is possible, although it exploits an unexpected quirk of DROD. To me, it's more like a bug.
I enjoyed the hold overall. I still have a few rooms to complete (I used the warp rooms to skip them), but I was disappointed to find that the final stairs sent me back to the beginning.