I thought that you deserved an update on my progress through this really excellent hold Ricky. For anyone who has not tried it yet it is a must for all those who like their puzzles to look impossible at first sight.
I have now reached Level 4 where first impressions are not too favourable – I would not normally go for trapdoor/orb puzzles but we’ll see. Before I continue should I download the latest version or is
2N,1E still playable with the force arrow pointing NW?
Level 2
When I last posted here I was about to go to the pair of rooms
2S, 2W and
2S, 3W. I thought that
TripleM’s solution for these was inspired but not as elegant as that I took to be the intended method
Click here to view the secret text
×with the mimic swap to do the two halves.
Once you knew what each orb did the puzzle was straightforward, it was keeping track of the mimics that was difficult, that and avoiding the dreaded
Splut! and
Boing!. I suppose that it would be too much to ask for mimic ID to be added as a feature request? I found these rooms immensely satisfying to complete so, if I had a say, I would make 2S, 3W required.
Despite the above my favourite room of the level was
2W, surely not the original 2W that you were unhappy with? It took literally hours to get this room right and was again so satisfying to complete – it is a masterpiece.
Level 3
A close call but this just beats Level 2 as my favourite level so far. However I wouldn’t have said so earlier for I couldn’t get those damned snakes, especially in
1S and
1N, 2W, to cooperate at all. I was about to post to complain that the puzzles were too tight, and say that an additional three segments on the snakes would make them much more enjoyable, when it just clicked and I was suddenly a snake expert!
The exit trapdoor puzzle is very fine but my favourite room in the level is
1N, 1E – superb. Incidentally, the exit stairs led back to the warp room (Portal) and not Level 4 – intended?
I have learnt so much from this hold: mimic precedence, mimics on trapdoors and control of snakes, etc. I don’t know how you do it Ricky but only hope that you can keep it up!