The percentage explored and secrets conquored on the restore screen is still incorrect on some levels.
I played Edge of the World during the HA phase and before allowing the hold through I checked the resotre screen to ensure I hadn't missed any rooms. All levels showed 100% clear and all secrets beaten.
However, when I uploaded my scores for the hold this morning I noticed one missing...
Click here to view the secret text
×I had never visited the northern secret room in Fifth Level.
I checked my restore screen before entering the room and it read 100% Explored and X/X secrets conquered. After visiting the room and before beating it, it reads the same.
If I spot this again is there anything I can or should do before visiting the missing rooms?
Edit : Monkeys Tutorial of TCB - I seem to have mastered the hold while skipping an entire level. More Assorted Elements hasn't been visited and the master wall is down. Although, if there are no secret rooms on the level I think that may be expected behavior.
[Last edited by Stephen4Louise at 10-10-2007 09:49 AM]