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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
If you say so. I really do think it has a rediculous amount of resistance though, considering it's other stats are fine as well. It looks like this unit has no weakness. If you take for example the phantom, it has only 3 resistance, 6 hitpoints and is undead. This means that it won't do nicely against any unit with exorsism. (or against any magical attack really) For such a high tiered unit, that's quite a large weakness. It's major advantage over the flamecaster is that it does more damage. The flamecaster however has less upkeep, is easier and quicker to build and comparable stats except for that damage and it's resistance. It's damage however is still decent enough and it's resistance is way out of here.
If the flamecaster is balanced, then it's the phantom that requires some rework.

Yay for inspiration
11-20-2007 at 10:17 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
I believe the Phantom is a different race...

Comparing single units from different races isn't necessarily justified. I believe the Flamcaster is also a dependent which does make a pretty big different.
11-21-2007 at 01:21 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (+1)  
a few more things to whine about...

if your casting a spell, and want to stop casting it, the only way to do that is to switch to another spell-that makes being goblins really annoying, becuase then if you cast a spell then you have to wait till you've finished it before you will be doing any researching(unless you control a monastery or find a scroll...).

that leads to my next problem, the goblins have no reliable way to get research, unlike any other team-'cos they can't use a building.

I also think the jellyfish use too much mana, as mana is the hardest thing for them to get.

I think that the Scavengers would be allot better if they at least had a slight resistance to harsh climates, as otherwise they are crippled if the map is very arid.
it doesn't have to be a full Endurance, but maybe something like it.

another thing is that allot of the Gods' specialities are for cities, and that does nothing if your Goblin(this isn't really a problem, but it's just a point).

there is more I've got to say, but I can't remember it all at the moment...

"Satire denounces the world;
Wit penetrates it;
Humour accepts it;
But Nonsense Transforms it"
- Cedric Whitman
w.r.t. Aristophanes
11-23-2007 at 04:36 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Great to see an active forum on Leylines!

> that leads to my next problem, the goblins have no reliable way
> to get research, unlike any other team-'cos they can't use a
> building.
Did you notice the sage unit produces 4 to 6 research points each turn (depending on experience level)? The goblins are actually great researchers..

> I think that the Scavengers would be allot better if they at
> least had a slight resistance to harsh climates, as otherwise
> they are crippled if the map is very arid.
I haven't seen any map with this problem yet, even with the arid setting. At the other hand, if there are either mountains or rivers present, scavengers are a lot more productive than otherwise (2 vs 3 gold / turn). That might make them too dependent on a lucky starting position?

> I believe the Phantom is a different race...
I believe there's some confusion here. The Runecaster and Flamewalker are two Dwarf units with very high resistance, but I think NEHZ means the Enchantress, an elven unit capable of casting flames. And I agree with the point, that the enchantress makes the phantom look like an overpriced unit, too vulnerable to be worth it.

> This time I play and the skeletons work just fine, not suddenly > loosing hit points etc.
Is it possible that in the game where they lost HP, the AI was casting Sunbeam? The fact the game does not notify you of such events can cause quite a lot of confusion sometimes..

> I think that other game was just a bit bugged. This does mean
> that restless dead is completely imbalanced.
Could you give an example of how to exploit this imbalance? Being undead is considered a severe drawback in the game, which is why they are so cheap.. it makes them vulnerable to all kinds of "holy" abilities, they can't cross water and they can't regenerate hitpoints. In my experience they are very good guardians for leylines and mines, but an army of 6 skeletons will get slaughtered by any decent stack of mid- to highlevel units.

> I havn't played the dwarves yet, but I've seen a firecaster
> that has a low build time and a low upkeep for really high
> stats. (the low upkeep being relative to the stats)
The dwarf units are supposed to have relatively high stats, to balance the fact they are dependent (need supplier units besides upkeep). It has possibly been overdone?
11-23-2007 at 03:33 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Some more thoughts on races and balance.

Their main advantage is perhaps the agriculturist. With farms you can get fantastic cities, like size 20 or more.
The Ballista Bombard skill has been heavily nerfed in the past, maybe a bit too much? Fans of this tactic should try the god Thazuun, btw.
Another tip: adding a unit with blessing can make all the difference! This applies to all races. An army of 5 knights and 1 paladin is a lot stronger than just 6 knights.

As someone has said it before, with the astral gate, the astral ranger *and* the cloudship, they are definitely unmatched with regards to mobility. This may make them overpowered, especially on larger maps. In the past the astral gate worked only between two cities that had it, but at the time it was considered almost useless that way. Any suggestions out of this dilemma?

Their units are very tough. The drawback is being dependent, meaning that units away from friendly cities need to be accompanied by supplier units to stay alive. This balance - stronger, but dependent units - still needs to be tweaked, so please share your thoughts..
An important detail: when dependent units are turned into undead with the degenerate spell, they are no longer dependent. So one possible strategy is to build an army of, say, undead slayers.

Great at rushing, because of their fast units. Try a god giving extra speed (Shagodan or Thalara, for example) on a smallish map.
Let your cities produce work and gold, not mana. Build lots of braves / trailblazers first, to grab the resources on the map and find out the position of your enemies. Use mana from leylines for might of giants. Now overrun everyone with javelineers and insect swarms, maybe adding a warleader. I still need to test this strategy against a human opponent, but you will crush the AI this way.

This race has some dirty tricks, but is hard to play. In the early game those ghouls are great for taking over scouts. Later in the game you can give your opponent a very unpleasant surprise if you manage to sabotage all his major cities at once. This may mean he fails to pay his upkeep, both gold and mana.. with dramatic consequences.
The high-end units (daemon, spectre and liche) are powerful but quite expensive, considering they are undead. Maybe too expensive?

The balance of their growth versus ordinary city growth is still being tweaked. So please share your thoughts. The scavengers are a special problem, because rivers and mountains yield 3 gold while other terrain yields 2 or less, possibly making this race too dependent on a good starting position?

Many possibilities of course. Someone mentioned the elf/regency combination, giving both druids and lumberjacks. Very nice.. I don't remember on top of my head how much production points are added for destroying a forest, was it really 40? And what is the upkeep for 1 druid + 1 lumberjack?

edit: Oh, I found out. It is 30 production points, and 5 upkeep. A chain will result in (on avg) 10 production points a day for 5 gold. Nice indeed.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 11-27-2007 10:23 AM]
11-23-2007 at 04:42 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Timlagor wrote:
* How do land stats contribute to city stats? (I *think* all the land within two squares matters somehow but I couldn't swear to it)
The hexagon that the city is built on matters most. The six hexagons around contribute the next most and the hexagons that are within a range of two contribute a little, as well.

Timlagor wrote:
- Conquered cities should be much more useful -there's very little reason not to raze them that I can see ..though performing lots of Rituals for mana seemed nice (and shouldn't it be possible to pillage them for some dosh?)
Conquered cities used to produce mana and gold like ordinary cities. However, this seemed to imbalance the game because if you capture the cities of a nearby AI opponent, your income is doubled..
At this moment you can still destroy the buildings in those cities (to save cash) and get more than enough mana/gold out of them to make them worth keeping..

Timlagor wrote:
- I feel that land-transformation effects should be unambiguously helpful ...or course I don't actually know what the effects are so it's hard to tell.
Changing the hexagons right next to a city can certainly be worthwile, depending on what type of terrain it currently is and what you want the city to produce. Changing a hex before building a city on it can turn out even better.
For example, the humans will normally have a hard time getting much mana. But search an area with swamps, turn the fields there to farmland and suddenly you have a great mana city.

Timlagor wrote:
Anyone else think making your heroes into laborer-researchers and leaving them in your cities to train seems the best strategy?
Instead, I use them to boost the capabilities of normal units. For example, an army of 6 marksmen is nice, but an army of 5 marksmen and one hero with siegecraft, tactician and detection is almost unstoppable. Guide + stealth is also a powerful combination.
11-23-2007 at 06:00 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Sorry for the many posts in a row guys..

Danjen02 wrote:
Ooh, found another 'bug' too; The instant your computer opponents control no cities you win. However, it was only when I controlled absolutely nothing (including units) that I was defeated. Either way, it should be consistant.
Normally a player loses the moment he loses his last city, but the goblins should be the only exception because they have no cities.
If you were playing as another race, it's a bug.
11-23-2007 at 06:09 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Don't worry, you're addressing different issues.

You can edit a post though in case you hadn't realised that, if need be...
11-23-2007 at 07:07 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
About the skeletons:
They have decent stats. They can be summoned (which adds to their mobility). They can be kept in great numbers.
Since they have no upkeep, having more of them won't impact your spellcasting. Indeed, you can just keep on summoning them. I once had an elven city that gave about 11 mana per worker. 6 workers on that and you can summon 2 skeletons each turn with some mana to spare. Do that with other summonings and you'll see your casting power diminish quickly. Do it with skeletons and you won't. I once tried a game where I started casting skeletons from turn one. Just keep on casting every turn. No need for research since I don't cast any other spell anyway. I ended up with a huge army without upkeep. Sure you loose some and they can be grouped with a maximum of 6, but the results are great.
6 skeletons can take down 2 stargazers, and those units have exorsism. Sure, more stargazers beat down the skeletons, but I've got plenty more where that came from. It may take time because of the 6max groups and slow movement, but that doesn't really matter as my skeletons don't cost upkeep. I can keep on summoning, I can keep on fighting.
And do keep in mind that if I don't like to loose two to three skeletons for every stargazer, I can still build a couple of units with my cities to support them.

Being undead is a big disadvantage. However, it also has it's uses. They can't be targeted by anything that can't target undead (such as a certain ranged ability of a certain other undead unit that kills anything that doesn't have a great resistance, which includes heroes unless you spend all their experience in it) and they are Immune.

I admid I havn't got that much experience with the game and have played only against AI so far, but I think the endless casting of skeletons next to the frontline is too strong. Even half a mana as upkeep, only actually impacting the casting with one for every second skeleton would help. Or some kind of unstability. Huge armies of skeletons are cool, but the no-upkeep thing makes them too great.
If sunbeam can take out a group of 6 skeletons in one strike, then that is a perfect counter, but if you're playing against a someone who doesn't have it...

Yay for inspiration
11-23-2007 at 07:30 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Bug: be alliance of goblin and any other and build any goblin unit in any of your cities. Wow! Instant build! Not like when you are just one race. (Takes a turn even when you have bonus production.) Shame it doesn't appear in the garrison and shows up under buildings (not units)...

Also, in a hot seat game, as the elves, with 3 citys, a priest mercenary and 3 vigilante (all in one city), the (regency) enemy sent 2 ornithopters at me. I trained another vigilante, and at the beginning of my next turn, a battle view displayed SHOWING ONLY A PRIEST! I used the flee button, but the battle music kept playing and I saw my priest outside the city, an ornithopter inside the city, a vigilante of my colour one space north of the city (My priest was southwest of it) with a combat symbol over it. I right-clicked the vigilante, but the troops screen showed an ornithopter! [end of bug report]

I don't have any saves, but these should be easy to verify...

This is not a signature, it is a
collection of randomly selected
words. Teaspoon.

[Last edited by Neathro at 11-24-2007 09:03 PM]
11-24-2007 at 09:02 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
thnx for helpin' out GrobbleWobble!

A few more things i've noticed:

there is only one quote in the mirror section, from that old necromancer. shouldn't there be more?
it cant be too difficult to think up of a few more, and make it so that it either A) shows a different one each time or B) has one for each Race, and it stays the same.

almost all the pictures for the Wizards are quite on the dorky side. no offence, but surely there was more to choose from, and some of them must be better than the current ones?

I think that alot of the Dwarven units could do with a bit more HP or Defence, such as the sopoliphs(or whatever they are...), they could do with a bit more health. 'Cos for all their defence,
they still die pretty easily.
and on the other end of the spectrum, there is the berserkers, they need more HP too.

while the E-Mail game Idea is quite ingenious, there isn't any LAN capabilities. instead there is the split screen, which is just about the same as a hotseat, except that it's harder to use.

whenever I try to minimise it, it crashes. if another program forces it to minimise, it crashes.
while this might not happen on other peoples PC's, it certainly happens to me(it does the same thing for any other CS game).

sometimes, when you finish moving a unit, it will disappear. not physically, but it is still disconcerting.

sometimes when you bombard(or any other overland attack) an enemy

"Satire denounces the world;
Wit penetrates it;
Humour accepts it;
But Nonsense Transforms it"
- Cedric Whitman
w.r.t. Aristophanes

[Last edited by wonkyth at 11-25-2007 05:08 AM]
11-25-2007 at 05:07 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
, it will appear ontop of the city(if it is in one) sometimes this unit is one I cannot see normally, such as a hidden or invisible unit.

GTG now :fun

note: the reason grobblywobbly would have been doing so many posts is that there is a word limit

"Satire denounces the world;
Wit penetrates it;
Humour accepts it;
But Nonsense Transforms it"
- Cedric Whitman
w.r.t. Aristophanes

[Last edited by wonkyth at 11-25-2007 05:11 AM]
11-25-2007 at 05:10 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Thanks for everybody's suggestions so far, I'll put up a new beta this week.

Did this happen?
If not is there an ETA?

[don't mean to be pushy but if there's a new one out I'd rather not play the old one ;)]
11-25-2007 at 01:15 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
I agree about the skeletons. A/D 6/4 with 10 HP is already a good deal for only 30 mana and undead is not enough of a drawback to justify zero upkeep on top of that.
I do think, however, that if they would be weaker it would be ok for them to have no upkeep. The best way to counter an opponent who is building a large army of skeletons is to build a stack that can kill a stack of six before they can deal any damage. Exorcism is one way, but skeletons are also vulnerable to normal arrows, with their low defense. Skeletons can also barely damage the really fat melee units like golems.

They're not the only upkeepless unit in the game, by the way. Normal units that become undead (with the degenerate spell, or when killed by a ghoul) get a magical upkeep equal to half their gold upkeep, rounded down. So that means zero for an undead swordsman.

@ Neathro :
The second bug you reported is interesting but not so easy to reproduce, I fear. Could you please provide a save?

@ wonkyth :
Some of those bugs are also hard to reproduce, like the disappearing units. A save would be great.

With the Sopholite, I have my doubts about making it stronger. I don't know the exact mechanics of the combat system, but if I'm not mistaken you can get a good picture of the strength of a unit by adding up attack and defense rating. The Sopholite has 10 defense, but only 2 attack. That should make it somewhat comparable to a knight in combat, who has 7 attack and 5 defense. They are good against non-magical ranged attackers, but of course very bad against anything with armor pierce. What units where they fighting with?
In any case, I think of the Sopholite as a special purpose unit, as it can hide other units (guide + rock ranger). It's not a generic tank-type unit.
Berserkers could maybe use a little boost, but not too much imo. Regeneration and mindshield make them quite nice already.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 11-26-2007 11:35 AM]
11-26-2007 at 10:18 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Timlagor wrote:
Did this happen?
If not is there an ETA?
Working on it. Real life sometimes interferes with that O:-

But a newer version would simply be a few bugfixes and balance fixes over the old one, so you should be okay with the previous release.

Oh, and Grobblewobble - nice to see you here!

= Radiant =
11-26-2007 at 11:32 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Hi, Radiant! :-)

I noticed the build queues are still broken for alliance. Another problem with the alliance is that when you take over a city belonging to either race in the alliance, you can produce all units of that race.

Speaking about taking over cities of your own race: a worker will produce 100% work there, while a merchant produces 50% gold. That's inconsistent.

Also, I doubt if the 50% rule was really such a good idea in the first place.. Games similar to Leylines have the same "problem", that if you take over AI cities/castles/whatever, your income increases very fast. So I wonder if it really is a problem, or simply inherent to the game type? If people start to think there's no use for cities they take over, that's not good.

Keiji wrote:
Well, it's just that every time I fight a team of these fire-mages or whatever they are 6 vs 6, I end up killing only one or two of them and then being defeated. That goes for other enemies too.
Keji, what units did you have when you were being defeated by the "firemage" units? This sounds like you were fighting runecasters or similar with knights. Am I right? Knights have low resistance, so they will suffer badly from any magical attack. There are several things you can do about it. First, blessing gives +2 resistance, so adding a paladin (if you didnt do so already) will help a lot. But you could also try units with higher resistance (pikemen or bowmen). Again, add a priest or paladin.

Keiji wrote:
One more thing: What's up with the battle system? No matter how strong or weak a unit is, it seems to do random amounts of damage each time it attacks, and the ranged attackers seem to get to attack a million times more than everyone else.
Ranged units get many attacks before melee combat begins, but once they are engaged in melee they tend to fall quickly. Against normal shooters, having shield helps a lot. Against magical ranged attacks, blessing and high resistance help. Being hidden or invisible (or blinding the enemy) helps against all ranged attacks. There are many rock/paper/scissor relationship among the units in Leylines, try to discover them.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 11-27-2007 10:32 AM]
11-27-2007 at 10:14 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
jeffandy1234 wrote:
I played leylines, and im an avid fan if civ games. I noticed immediately it was tedious trying to control my soldiers and cities. You should interphase a keyboard short cut for every option. This would make gameplay more tolerable. :thumbsup
This sounds like an interesting idea, but I havent got much experience with other civ games and I don't know what exactly you mean here. Which "options" you mean? The options in the mirror menu, or something else?

Maybe this long thread should be split to discuss different topics.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 11-27-2007 11:57 AM]
11-27-2007 at 11:55 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Well, all you really have to do for darkening is bitshift each pixel's color value right by 1 and then bitwise AND it with 0x7F7F7F7F.
0xf7def7de, to be precise. I'm aware of that, but it slows down the game by an unacceptable amount. I'm not about to rewrite the game in a different programming language, or downgrade the graphics to 256-color palette mode (not to mention that palettes work on the screen as a whole, by definition).

No matter how strong or weak a unit is, it seems to do random amounts of damage each time it attacks, and the ranged attackers seem to get to attack a million times more than everyone else.
I'm not sure what you mean. Yes, attacking involves (simulated) dice rolls and is therefore to some extent random, but units with higher power will consistently do more damage. Ranged units get three attacks (five if long-ranged) before melee combat starts.

The Mystic wrote:
The control panel volume is already on the lowest possible setting without turning the sound off altogether, and so is the in-game volume control; unfortunately, it's still too loud.
Okay, the lowest volume option was 5 out of 1000, I'll change it to 1. But don't your boxes have a volume control as well? Does anyone else have this problem?

jeffandy1234 wrote:
You should interphase a keyboard short cut for every option. This would make gameplay more tolerable. :thumbsup
There is a keyboard shortcut for every single option. Generally its first letter.

NEHZ wrote:
Sometimes my skeletons suddenly get damaged or even dissappear, without any news messages or combats.
No, they're not Unstable. They may be hit by exorcisms and/or Sunray spells, though. Skeleton stats reduced from 6/4/4 to 5/4/3; the point of the unit is that they're free, but they shouldn't be overpowered.

I've also had many instances where windows fight to be the one being displayed. Sometimes the most front window isn't filled with background, making the text appear right on other text and giving an unreadable result.
Do you have a screenshot of that?

Danjen02 wrote:
Hey, just a quick OT question Radiant: How did you set up the grid system for the hexes?
They're squares, internally, with two of the eight directions blocked.

Try playing on a larger map with your deity set to Ehrdrayl the Avenger and get all your combat groups with a Tribe in them.
Interesting strategy. Note that several buildings, as well as S'Sirthe Ancestor Spirits, also boost XP, and that Regency also combos nicely with Degenerate. Tweaking is certainly an option, what would you suggest? Making the Theurgist more expensive?

but my units (even high levelled ones) rarely have staying power when they are by themselves.
Depends on what units you're using, I suppose? Very few martial units are supposed to be used by themselves.

Replay would be tricky, but a TXT dump is easy, consider it done. I can have race/map/etc default to whatever you used last time, would that work?

My point is that the buildings seem vastly cut and paste, and in my mind, the tech tree appears to be overcomplicated to compensate for this.
Yes. There are a number of "standard" buildings (in particular, anything that boosts gold, mana and labor). The races differ in how easily they get these buildings, and how many they get of it. However, I would be happy to hear suggestions for more variety or races' individual flavor.

I found that guarding was a bad idea in general as is uses up *next* turn's actions
Yes. Guarding, however, can be very effective with Bombard or Excorcist units, as this will interrupt the other player's movement to zap his units when they come near. This also works with Diplomats.

and I think it would be nice if the battle was more detailed, like if it had a hex-board as well.
That's a design decision. The idea is to make battles quick, as opposed to taking up to half an hour in certain other strategy games.

the goblins could probably do with a few more troops, say some sort of siege-weapon, other than the broken ones and that weed thing.
The goblins have twenty different units, just like every other race. I don't really envision those lazy greenskins making siege weapons :)

The word lycanthropy is often used generically for any transformation of a human into animal form, though the precise term for that is technically "therianthropy".
Hence the name, "Theria".
But yeah, the Lycanthropy trait could have a better name. "Moon-touched" sounds a bit silly though...

I cast a spell calling the void. According to it's description it has an upkeep of 10 and can kill enemy units.
It also kills your own units; it's called "Chaos magic" for a reason :) your own cities will be exempt as of the next version.

I note that the upkeep for Call the Void (and a few other global enchantments) doesn't register; that's a bug, will be fixed. Rejuvenation, however, has an upkeep of 5.

Do you have a saved game of Void not showing up in your mirror screen?

= Radiant =
11-27-2007 at 03:01 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Okay, here's an update.

I haven't cleared out the bug logs yet, but there are numerous improvements. In particular, the game now runs in a window rather than full-screen; this should fix Alt-Tab bugs and so forth, but needs testing.

This thread is now only for bug reports. Please use the other thread to discuss units, balance, ideas, and so forth.

Change log follows:
Click here to view the secret text

= Radiant =

[Last edited by Radiant at 11-27-2007 11:40 PM]
11-27-2007 at 06:42 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Okay, here's an update.
When I replace the Leylines.exe from the original beta with the Leylines.exe from the above, I get an error message popup displayed in Notepad.exe:

[FileErr] Error reading library file.
The data file seems to be corrupted or missing.
You should download and reinstall the game.

I'm not sure what's going on. FWIW, I'm running the game under Wine under Linux, and the original beta had no problems with that.

Cheers, Wayne
11-27-2007 at 07:04 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
I get the same message (under windows XP).
11-27-2007 at 10:58 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Oh, sorry. Well, I suppose I should re-upload the library file, then.

http://crystalshard.htm/dls/ - full version

= Radiant =
11-27-2007 at 11:47 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Mending still doesn't cure plague, although healer units do.

11-28-2007 at 01:14 AM
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File: Autosave.ley (21.1 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Also, healing still sometimes crashes the game, as in the attached save file. Just have the Herbalist try to heal the adjacent stack.

Cheers, Wayne
11-28-2007 at 01:53 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Mending is not supposed to cure plague, it's the description that's incorrect.

Attached save: click find resource. The miners will seem to disappear. Another oddity here is, that find resource allows you to move and camp in turn one, while normal movement does not.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 11-28-2007 07:33 AM]
11-28-2007 at 07:17 AM
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File: Casting_negative.ley (9.4 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Game says the spell will be finished in 1 week when mana is negative.
11-28-2007 at 07:39 AM
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File: Festival.ley (10.8 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
With festivals automatic, some cities are apparently heavily favoured. See attached savegame. In Eylenn the citizens are ok, but in the other two they are at ++.

It would be most convenient if this option would simply keep all cities at ok. Festivals beyond that are only worth it in special circumstances and can be done manually.

When there are multiple unhappy cities, give a festival in the most unhappy city first (to prevent rebellion). When there are multiple cities at the same unhappiness level, do the best city first.
11-28-2007 at 07:48 AM
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File: Ooze_enemy.ley (11.3 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
Here, the enemy (yellow) suddenly has a nether ooze. What I think has happened, is that a new ooze was replicated on top of an enemy stack and then became one of his units. Is that right?
11-28-2007 at 08:46 AM
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File: combatHang.ley (12.2 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
The game freezes in a weird combat (the golem shouldnt be fighting for me, either).
11-28-2007 at 09:25 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: beta testing (0)  
wwhitney wrote:
Also, healing still sometimes crashes the game, as in the attached save file.

That doesn't reproduce; the saved game works fine for me. Could you elaborate on what exactly happens?

= Radiant =

[Last edited by Radiant at 11-28-2007 11:35 AM]
11-28-2007 at 10:20 AM
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