Hello. I've just finished my first complete Hold, Utopolis Life, the sequel to Omnisia (which I've currently abandoned).
You take control of Agrippa, Chief Sorceror, who has recently saved the world (again) from the Eastern Evil.
However, all you really want is to settle down, maybe earn a few Shillings... that sort of thing.
Utopolis Life is a virtual city with money system, bank, muggers, two possible jobs, three houses with two improvement options each, various costumes, and one or two secret rooms as well. Oh, and a Grim Reaper

I am entirely self-taught on characters, so I have put the Hold on Anyone Can Edit, in case of scripting errors.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback on bugs, unintended solutions (in Dungeons), or pretty much anything else. Hopefully there shouldn't be too many of those as I tested it pretty thoroughly...
Thanks for helping out a total newbie,
I'm currently working on
Jerrik's Dungeon, an oldschool Hold for TCB.
[Last edited by hartleyhair at 09-26-2007 03:19 PM]