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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (3.0 feature)
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icon So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
I've been waiting patiently for someone to completely take advantage of the 'Play Video' option in 3.0.

So, the big question is: has anyone done it?

If you have, and want to post it, feel free to post it here! :)
07-07-2007 at 06:18 PM
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Pilchard VIII
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
I'm waiting to find a Vista compatible Ogg Theora codec so I can stick them into KPVIIID3... :angry

The DROD Dragon
07-07-2007 at 07:02 PM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
You may create an avi file, and then use ffmpeg2theora, found on the libtheora site, to convert it to an Ogg Theora file. I'd run it something like this:

ffmpeg2theora-0.17.exe --optimize --nosound -v 10 movie.avi

Here are some caveats for playing a Theora file, including info in how to make it fill the DROD room area correctly (which isn't trivial).

NOTE: Video dimensions must be a multiple of 16.
This means that rooms of 836x704 are logically stretched twelve more pixels to 848x704, even though an area of only the actual frame size is displayed.
To fix this, the room must be shrunk 12 pixels, and a 12 pixel buffer added to the right side of the image. Then, when it is stretched, the room will appear the correct size.

Edit: Ooh, they're up to version 0.19 now.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 07-07-2007 07:07 PM]
07-07-2007 at 07:06 PM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
You could have saved me 20 minutes by including instructions in the help file, whoever made it! :angry

This is not a signature, it is a
collection of randomly selected
words. Teaspoon.
07-10-2007 at 09:25 AM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
More specific instructions on how I constructed a Theora movie file from static frame images:

To convert from different (image, etc) formats to (lossless) .avi, use IMGCON, a utility at:

imgcon.exe -avi -output room.avi -list list.txt
where list.txt has the sequence of image files to include, with one file per line.

* Theora videos must be a multiple of 16 pixels, but DROD rooms don't fit that.
1.  So, we need to start with images that have a buffer area on the right side.
    Irfanview batch convert can be used for that to preprocess all the static image
    frames being compiled to make a movie (the Advanced options has a special
    setting in the corner for adding a pixel border around the image.)
2.  Create the video, squashing the images+border to the original room size:
    imgcon.exe -avi -output room.avi -scale 836 704 -list list.txt
3.  Then run:
    ffmpeg2theora-0.17.exe --optimize --nosound -v 10 room.avi
    (Later versions, like the current 0.19, of ffmpeg2theora should also work)
    When this video is played, it will be stretched to 848x704.
    The video will show at the correct (room) size, albeit first unstretched and
    then stretched.  The buffer will be off the edge in the hidden area.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 11-29-2007 05:04 PM]
11-29-2007 at 05:03 PM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
So no one has tried this feature (I wonder why?? :~( )

DROD RPG Released!! You must try it out it is Great!!
Click here to view the secret text

09-15-2008 at 08:11 AM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (+1)  
Pilchard VIII did include a simple Theora movie in his hold KPVIIID3: The Final Floors. It's the credits at the end.
09-15-2008 at 08:17 AM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
There was one other time that this feature was used, and that was for the TCB ending, which I so desire to watch.

You guys like DROD, eh?

Test out my hold currently in
09-16-2008 at 11:22 PM
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icon Re: So, has anyone done a video in a hold yet? (0)  
I have made a few rooms with videos in them, but I'm not much of an architect so naturally I haven't made any Holds with videos.

09-22-2008 at 05:13 PM
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