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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : General : Briars (Open discussion and a look at its mechanics/quirks)
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icon Briars (+6)  
One of my favourite additions to the game happens to be briars, simply because they work so differently to many other things. However, they appear to have large amounts of... "quirks"... to them. Some of these may be bugs. Some of them may not. Due to these inconsistencies, I thought it might be useful to compile what *is* known about them, so that they can be looked at as a whole. Also, these notes are true of 3.0.0. Later patches may change things (I've already heard of the Force Arrow change).

Briar Roots
Every turn, a briar root will convert the nearest immature briar to it into a mature briar. Priority is given to tiles closest to the root via Pythagorean Theorem, with ties broken by those tiles nearest the top-left of the screen (column taking priority over row).

If there are no immature briars to convert, then the briar will grow. This creates an immature briar in each of the 8 empty squares surrounding a briar root or a connected mature briar square. Also, any mature briars connected to a root when the briar grows will become immature if it is directly next to a pit: only the 4 squares directly touching the pit are affected. After this, the briar will go ahead and convert one of the immature briars as normal.

Multiple briar roots work exactly the same, whether connected to the same briar patch or in their own seperated clusters.

Briar Growth Quirks
The basics don't quite cover some of the more interesting situations that can crop up. Here's some of the interactions I've currently noticed. Some of them are obvious, others are... not so obvious. I've listed the obvious ones for completion.

* Briars will not grow over walls or closed gates. They trigger pressure plates normally.

* Briars will not grow over pits (naturally). However, they will also not grow diagonally past pits. A diagonal line of pits acts like a barriar that no briar can penetrate, unlike a diagonal line of walls.

* Briars will grow over water. They also grow over trapdoors, platforms and bridges. If the platform or bridge is over a pit, then the briar tiles will die if the platform/bridge is moved/removed. Over water, there is no such interaction.

* Oremites, stairs and tunnels can all get clogged with briars. Hot tiles, on the other hand, are treated as walls. However, briar tiles can be placed manually on hot tiles (as someone else has noticed, I believe).

* As has been noted elsewhere, in 3.0.0, briars cannot grow *on* to a force arrow against its direction, but can grow *past* a force arrow against its direction if it's already on the force arrow. Briars are not affected by any other tile type.

* Briars will consume all orbs, potions, scrolls, mirrors, every token type, bombs (without exploding them), fuses, relay stations and even lights. They will not grow over obstacles and will treat them as walls. They will destroy any tarstuff, creating tarstuff babies if appropriate.

* Briars will kill almost anything if they grow onto a tile that an enemy (or Beethro) occupies. Even NPCs with the Invulnerable flag are not safe. Rock Golems and Giants are destroyed without leaving behind rubble (although the briar acts as obstacle enough). The only notable exception appears to be all Serpent-type enemies - they are immune to death by briar growth. (Though Serpents will tend to die simply due to having nowhere to go)

* One more quirk regarding briar growth. When a growing briar patch connects with a pre-existing patch of briar, it will treat the new patch as part of itself on the next growth cycle. This seems normal on first glance, but the quirk arrives when the patch is a mixture of mature and immature briars. When it first grows next to the patch of briar, it will only mature the briars it created during its current growth cycle. When it next grows and connects to the new patch, it will expand that patch, ignoring the immature briars for this cycle. On top of this, the immature briars will stunt the growth where they currently are, until the briar can mature them on the next cycle.

This particular quirk can be seen more explicitly by creating a briar root behind a togglable door, and opening and closing the door every so often (I used a Serpent loop for my own test that had the door open every 15 turns out of 40). The growth of the briar will eventually take on rather strange shapes, depending on where the root is compared to the open space the briar is allowed to expand into.

Destroying Briars
Briars are not invincible. There are ways to get rid of them.

* Bombs and Fegundo explosions will destroy all types of briar in their blast radius. Closing gates will also destroy briars that are in the way.

* The aforementioned methods of dropping briars into pits will destroy briars too, as well the unmentioned Build Marker pit.

* Build Markers themselves have strange inconsistent effects with briars. Building walls will not destroy the briar on top of the tile, but a pit will. Most tiles will not destroy the briar... however, asking to build a bomb or a fuse *does*. This is an illusion though: unless the fuse or bomb is used up before the next briar growth, the briar will treat the tile as if there were still briar there (and make an annoying beep when it does this).

Also, while most Build Markers will fail if placed on a pre-existing briar (Pits are one of the exceptions), a Build Marker that is placed before briar grows on it will continue to be active and attract working citizens (which is how we can get bombs and fuses to be built on top of briars).


I've also heard of another quirk/bug with regards to multiple switches toggling doors with regards to briar growth order... but I haven't looked into it myself, so I'll only mention it in passing here.


That seems to be everything I can currently think of. Some definite things that are particularly interesting... and a handful of what seem like bugs too. Still, as I said at the beginning, this is one of my favourite new features, and it definitely has a lot of potential - I had a lot of fun solving the various briar puzzles in TCB.

I'll end this with... well, not quite a feature request, but more something to spark discussion: should a briar patch with multiple briar roots be allowed to split its growth on half turns when a Speed Potion is in effect? And if so, how exactly should it work? (Pros: Makes growth during Speed Potion use more fluid, which could make things more interesting. Cons: It's a lot more complex, and not easy to decide exactly which briar roots should work on a half turn instead of the full turn)

Anyways, hope that's useful to someone. And apologies in advance if I've forgotten to touch on certain aspects.

[Last edited by mrimer at 06-13-2007 12:40 AM]
06-11-2007 at 11:44 AM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
Whoa - just whoa. :)

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06-11-2007 at 12:35 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
wow, 1 mod point says they didn't think about it that much :lol

[Last edited by Bobpie at 06-11-2007 12:50 PM]
06-11-2007 at 12:48 PM
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icon Re: Briars (+3)  
Hmmm. Forgot - (or rather didn't check until I remembered to review some of my demos) - about a particularly important exception with regards to the "newly connected briar patch" quirk.

When it next grows and connects to the new patch, it will expand that patch, ignoring the immature briars for this cycle. On top of this, the immature briars will stunt the growth where they currently are, until the briar can mature them on the next cycle.

The exception to this is when the new patch is already connected to a briar root. In this case, the currently growing briar root will only expand the patch it was previously growing, connecting it to the bigger patch, and will not expand anything in the patch it is connecting to. This makes for a particularly interesting and non-obvious difference between the two situations.
06-11-2007 at 01:08 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
Something I'd like to see explicitly covered is how briar growth occurs in tight spaces. Specifically, briar can grow multiple squares under certain circumstances, and I've never quite understood how that works. (Too busy running, mostly.)

Otherwise, excellent article!


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
06-11-2007 at 03:25 PM
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File: The Briary.hold (5.5 KB)
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icon Re: Briars (+3)  
Something I'd like to see explicitly covered is how briar growth occurs in tight spaces. Specifically, briar can grow multiple squares under certain circumstances, and I've never quite understood how that works. (Too busy running, mostly.)

That's simple enough.

Assume you have a briar root connected to a bunch of mature briars, and the only space it can grow now is a single tile-wide corridor (chasing Beethro).

At the start of the next turn, since there are no immature briars, the briar patch will grow. This creates an immature briar tile in the one place it can currently grow. Now, since a briar root can still mature a tile even on the turn it grows, it will then proceed to convert that immature tile into a mature briar.

On the turn after this, it will have no immature tiles to convert, so it will grow again. In this manner, the briar is growing at a rate of one tile per turn, simply because it is only creating one immature briar patch per turn while it's chasing Beethro down the corridor.


Now suppose that instead of one briar root, we have five briar roots acting in concert. Each briar root is looked at seperately, in a particular order (which I won't go into here, since I haven't researched it, though it's certainly possible to figure it out with the correct tests). The first briar root sees there are no immature tiles to convert, so the briar grows, creating one immature tile in the only available space (the one-tile wide corridor). It then matures it, and that's the end of its turn.

Briar Root #2 gets its turn now, and sees... well... no immature briar tiles to convert. So the briar grows... again. One more space towards Beethro. Immature briar is created, but Briar Root #2 hasn't taken its converting turn yet. It does so, and converts the immature briar to a mature briar.

The same goes for Briar Roots #3 through #5. Assuming that it can only create one extra briar in each space, well... it's going to grow and then convert that single new immature tile each turn. So in one turn, the five briar roots have caused the patch to grow five times.

In order to slow this down, you need more immature briar tiles to be created. This requires one of two things: either there must be more space for the briar to grow (so that there's more immature tiles to convert), or some patches of the briar must be next to pits (so that they're converted back to immature every time there's growth).

And that's pretty much all there is to actual growth speed. It's all about how long before all the immature tiles are converted, and realising that each briar root acts pretty much indepedently on the patch it's connected to (certain quirks excepted).


Anyways, I put together a small hold to demonstrate some of the earlier quirks for people to experiment on. Hoping it's useful, but I was trying to get it done fairly quickly, so might have missed a few things. If you're interested though, then by all means, have fun with it.
06-11-2007 at 03:50 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
I've gotta give props to ya man, you certainly know how to get mod points :lol
06-11-2007 at 05:43 PM
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icon Re: Briars (+1)  
Bobpie wrote:
I've gotta give props to ya man, you certainly know how to get mod points :lol

you mean: by being insightful and thorough without caring about mod points? yes. it's funny, but mod points tend to accrue to those who don't pursue the points themselves.

06-11-2007 at 06:16 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
Nice average, too. 21 ranks in 3 posts!

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06-11-2007 at 08:16 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
The build markers & the fact that they grow over lights are probably buggy.

Why do you think so? They also grow over orbs and devour them as well. It seems like this could be intended behavior. (It may not be, but I don't see any particular reason to assume one way or the other...)


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
06-12-2007 at 07:21 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
jbluestein wrote:
Why do you think so? They also grow over orbs and devour them as well. It seems like this could be intended behavior. (It may not be, but I don't see any particular reason to assume one way or the other...)
I dunno. I suppose it could be intended. The build marker bit should be obvious though.

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06-12-2007 at 07:27 PM
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icon Re: Briars (0)  
IMO the build marker bit seems buggy but the lights is not.
06-12-2007 at 07:31 PM
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icon Re: Briars (+1)  
Briars will not grow over pits (naturally). However, they will also not grow diagonally past pits.
When I first noticed this, I thought it was a bug/unintentional. But I just looked at the source code, and there is code explicitly causing the behavior:
Flow.cpp wrote:
if (i==4 && bAdjacentPit)
	break; //when a pit is axially adjacent, don't expand diagonally
I suppose this was meant to cause briar from appearing to jump across pits. But it ends up being fairly unintuitive in some cases.
06-13-2007 at 04:45 AM
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icon Re: Briars (+1)  
starwed wrote:
Briars will not grow over pits (naturally). However, they will also not grow diagonally past pits.
When I first noticed this, I thought it was a bug/unintentional. But I just looked at the source code, and there is code explicitly causing the behavior:
Flow.cpp wrote:
if (i==4 && bAdjacentPit)
	break; //when a pit is axially adjacent, don't expand diagonally
I suppose this was meant to cause briar from appearing to jump across pits. But it ends up being fairly unintuitive in some cases.

But it does allow for some interesting things to be done. You can put pits on the edges of a tile to make a safe place to stand -- either for a monster that must be killed directly, or for Beethro while waiting for something to happen. Walls don't give you this ability, and neither does water or hot tiles.


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck

[Last edited by jbluestein at 06-19-2007 08:14 PM : puts --> pits]
06-13-2007 at 05:17 PM
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