Overview :
Thanks to 3.0.2 scripting engine, we can create new elements, such as new monsters, new kind of mirrors and so on. This is possible as for my secret project I created 4 new monsters and 2 puzzle objects. They're cool and have potential. Show what you can do.
Rules :
Post the holds in this thread. After all the entries have entered, I will make a poll thread. You can submit the holds until 26/05/07.
The hold must have a tutorial room, that explains the element, and minimum a puzzle room. You may submit only one hold.
Use this thread for sumbmitting and also for asking questions.
Custom images aren't required, but they are really appreciated.
Remember that you can edit DROD graphics for use them in your hold. You can use only DROD 3.0 or 3.0.2 rev2. No JTRH or other TCB versions.
Examples :
There are 2 easy examples :
Direction Mirror = When you push it, it moves in your direction.
Slow Roach = It moves every 2 turns.
My monster isn't killing me! = Use "
Imperative : Deadly"
I don't have any idea... = Why don't you look at Feature Requests?
When I kill my element, it isn't required / it reappears! = Use "
Imperative : Required Target"
to make it required. Use "
Imperative : End when killed"
at the start of the script to make it not reappear when you re-enter the room and kill it.
I'm not good with scripting... = Press F1 in DROD. It will show you the help.
Prizes :
1st Place = 6 rank points + legal graphics collection
2nd Place = screenshot of my secret hold
3rd Place = 1 rank point
Have fun, and partecipate!
[Last edited by vittro at 05-14-2007 12:35 PM : new expire date]