Thank you so much for your feedback
I loved it, and really appreciated it. Thanks again. So here are my responses (secreted to save a bunch of space).
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Entrance: Nice, put little red snakes are rather pointless just stay were you enter this chamber (on the arrow) and they will all die immediatly. The blue snakes in the chamber before are rather hard and close to annoying as more than 3 snakes in such a small space are rather unpredictable, but actually i like the idea itself quite a lot. To make it MUCH harder u might want to add force arrows were the snakes come out.
Yes. This redsnake chamber took quite a few hours to put together, and I think this final creation is much better than any of the other ones. I will try to rework it a bit, maybe so you can't stay on the arrow (I think that
might work). Yeah, this was planned before, as to have force arrows so they can't get back in, but I abandoned the idea because I couldn't beat it myself
. So I just decided to make it so you had to drop all the trapdoors to make up for that loss of difficulty. I suppose I could put them both in at the same time (force arrow and red door), but that would be
way too evil
1E: Room I disliked most, not because its badly made, i just dislike woobas and those wall thingies :-). AND MOST IMPORTANT!!!: ADD Savepoints in the second half. Lots of them!
I kinda rushed on this one (as you can see by the trapdoor/tar/mud chamber [I really hated myself for that one]). The wubbas were a late addition, and I didn't selftest the room after adding them. They were just there to make up for the empty chamber. Don't worry, you're not alone. I hate wubbas, too
. Ooh, I can't believe I forgot about checkpoints in that room
. They've been added and will be released with the new version (after I get some more comments and tweak some bugs). So, checkpoints added, yes. Thanks for that one
1N: Nothing to complain, probably the easiest room of the hold, but so what, its fun to play.
Thank you. I got the eye/trapdoor chamber back when I used to play AE. But I think the other chambers are pretty low quality. I'm going to tweak some things here as well.
1W: Best room of the Hold! Nice layout, really intelligent, rethink the brains and bombs perhaps a bit, the dont really do a lot.
Thank you so very much! This room took me the better part of 2 weekends, after running into some problems with the layout. The one checkpoint in the middle, I really think would be the main one, because you return to that point many times. Yeah, I didn't think people would enjoy doing the brain/bomb part, although I had a fun time trying to corner the goblin. But that's just me.
1S: In the second half of the room you dont need the bombs nor the tar nor the fuse nor anything else, but why not, killing tar and bombing sth is always fun.
I just put the bombs there so you couldn't backtrack unless you've blown so and so up, and get killed by a goblin. Hmm. After playtesting it once, I realized the goblins were visible when you entered the room. This wasn't intended, and they will be invisible until you enter that chamber. I really like blowing up bombs (and not getting killed) as well.
Summyary: Nice hold which could be improved a LOT with just some minor changes. One more small advice, it looks a bit messy and kind of ugly, try to make it more "beautiful" by adding scenery and stuff like that.
Thank you. Oh yeah, this was intended. Wasn't meant to be relatively nice looking, just...err...chambers. If I added some scenery, I think they
may get in the way, but I'll try to add some.
So all in all, thank you for your feedback, and thank you for taking the time to test my hold.
Keep posting,
The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron,
The Lost Years of Merlin