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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Wall Pike
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icon Wall Pike (0)  
This idea was inspired to me by Wesley's Tar Pike request. This ghostly helper would be just the same, except it dwells in walls, and doesn't eat them, but will eat wall-based monsters like Ghosts, Ghouls, Rats, and Mutant Rats. I haven't thought of vulnerabilities or resistances yet.


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08-23-2003 at 01:54 AM
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icon Re: Wall Pike (0)  
Suggestions for vulnerability: Perhaps the Wall Pike would leave some sort of resin, so that it would not go on the same square twice. If this would be implemented, the pike would need to be able to move diagonally (narrow passages and such). This would also cause need for some sort of resin destruction object/potion/tile/whatever. Also, the pike needs to remain in a wall, as the Tar Pike does tar. I'm assuming that the pike can travel through doors as well as walls. If it is in a door when the door goes down, it is destroyed.

Questions that should also be addressed:

1. What is its movement logic?

2. How is it placed? (The tar pike was in a potion type thing.)

3. Would it take time to devour the prey?

(Random interjection: If devouring does take time, it should be 5 turns. This would fit better with the new threat clock).

4. Could it devour other things that happen to come next to the wall? (The rats and m. rats don't go in wall, but next to.)

I think that's it for now.

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08-23-2003 at 03:28 AM
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icon Re: Re: Wall Pike (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
Suggestions for vulnerability: Perhaps the Wall Pike would leave some sort of resin, so that it would not go on the same square twice. If this would be implemented, the pike would need to be able to move diagonally (narrow passages and such). This would also cause need for some sort of resin destruction object/potion/tile/whatever. Also, the pike needs to remain in a wall, as the Tar Pike does tar. I'm assuming that the pike can travel through doors as well as walls. If it is in a door when the door goes down, it is destroyed.

I was actually thinking that, like the tar pike, it could survive out of a door or wall for X # of turns (there I go again with X # of turns! :P:D). And just in case you were wondering, the pike can survive in crumbly walls, too, as long as they're still there, of course. I'm not yet sure if it should be vulnerable to electricity.

Questions that should also be addressed:

1. What is its movement logic?

Perhaps it will always seek the nearest monster it is possible for it to reach, and can be eaten by the pike. I'm not sure what it should do otherwise yet.

2. How is it placed? (The tar pike was in a potion type thing.)

I was thinking of it being placed like the tar pike, but it would be nice for some variation. I can't think of any yet.

3. Would it take time to devour the prey?

I'm not sure yet.

4. Could it devour other things that happen to come next to the wall? (The rats and m. rats don't go in wall, but next to.)


One more thing: since Wesley originally came up with the tar pike, he might know some good ideas for the wall pike, also. Just a thought.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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08-23-2003 at 06:22 AM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Wall Pike (0)  
NoahT wrote:
zex20913 wrote:
Suggestions for vulnerability: Perhaps the Wall Pike would leave some sort of resin, so that it would not go on the same square twice. If this would be implemented, the pike would need to be able to move diagonally (narrow passages and such). This would also cause need for some sort of resin destruction object/potion/tile/whatever. Also, the pike needs to remain in a wall, as the Tar Pike does tar. I'm assuming that the pike can travel through doors as well as walls. If it is in a door when the door goes down, it is destroyed.
Hmm... "resin" as in "wastes" left behind by the Pike as it moves along?

It's a cool idea. Perhaps the resin remains behind over doors if the Pike has gone through them, so if you open a yellow door with the resin on it, the resin remains there as a barrier to you, so you also need to destroy it to pass the door.

I was actually thinking that, like the tar pike, it could survive out of a door or wall for X # of turns (there I go again with X # of turns! :P:D). And just in case you were wondering, the pike can survive in crumbly walls, too, as long as they're still there, of course. I'm not yet sure if it should be vulnerable to electricity.
It shouldn't be vulnerable to electricity if in a wall - walls do not normally conduct electricity (Unless, of course, the voltage is really high, which will then probably require quite a few Generators to be present :))

Questions that should also be addressed:

1. What is its movement logic?

Perhaps it will always seek the nearest monster it is possible for it to reach, and can be eaten by the pike. I'm not sure what it should do otherwise yet.
I agree. Also, monsters in the wall should also try to keep away from it as first instinct, unless Beethro steps too close to the wall where the monster is located, in which case if the monster is closer to Beethro than the Pike is, it will attack.

2. How is it placed? (The tar pike was in a potion type thing.)

I was thinking of it being placed like the tar pike, but it would be nice for some variation. I can't think of any yet.
Actually, it wasn't. The Tar Pike is placed like a potion, but is in fact an egg.

3. Would it take time to devour the prey?

I'm not sure yet.
I think that a one- move delay would be a good idea - the pike does need some time to devour its prey carefully :)

4. Could it devour other things that happen to come next to the wall? (The rats and m. rats don't go in wall, but next to.)

It snatches passing monsters by making a momentary leap out to attack before dragging them to a nasty death involving squashing them on the wall before eating them. :D

One more thing: since Wesley originally came up with the tar pike, he might know some good ideas for the wall pike, also. Just a thought.

That's very kind of you. :)

A suggestion - a "Pike" sounds cool, but I myself think it unlikely that a fish will be able to survive in a wall. Maybe it should be a sort of burrowing insect/grub.

Just some thoughts....

Resident Medic/Mycologist
08-31-2003 at 04:59 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Re: Wall Pike (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
That's very kind of you. :)

Your welcome, Wesley. I'm glad you appreciate my kindness. :)

A suggestion - a "Pike" sounds cool, but I myself think it unlikely that a fish will be able to survive in a wall. Maybe it should be a sort of burrowing insect/grub.

Just some thoughts....

Yeah, burrowing insect grub might be good...and it would refill the wall it just left while moving on to the next one. I wasn't exactly sure what "pike" meant either, but you said it's a fish.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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08-31-2003 at 09:30 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wall Pike (0)  
NoahT wrote:

Yeah, burrowing insect grub might be good...and it would refill the wall it just left while moving on to the next one. I wasn't exactly sure what "pike" meant either, but you said it's a fish.

I see. It's definition (I quote) is:

" A large predatory fish of the family Esocidae, with a long, narrow snout and sharp teeth; especially the common specie Esox lucius"

Resident Medic/Mycologist
08-31-2003 at 09:58 PM
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icon Re: Wall Pike (0)  
I know it wasn't a potion, so I said potion-like thing :P

I wanted people to see how it was placed, not necessarily call it the right name...okay, so I forgot.

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09-01-2003 at 02:25 AM
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