Although I read all those bad comments, I decided to download part 1+2 of the "
princess ophelie holds"
. After finishing the first part, I thought "
oh well, it can't become much worse"
, but it did. The second part was even worse.....
Why I dind't like this hold:
The rooms are very repetitive.
You seem to lack fantasy....
Every room consists of a empty setting and a few roaches/golems
You don't see the room boundaries.
Bad language (I am not offended, but some may be offended)
The story is incomplete/odd
Difficulty is sooooo low...
Why I liked this hold:
At least, its playable
Custom sounds.....
What can be done?
Play KDD/JtrH
Too hard? Try Tutorial holds... there are some good ones out there...
Read the architects toolkit or other tuts...
Click here!
[Last edited by MeckMeck GRE at 12-23-2006 08:43 PM]