Ok, I finished the entire hold. Whew.
I love the school theme.
Even better, you didn't just say, "
The theme is school."
and then ignore it. Every single room had to do with the theme. Excellent job!
I found Math and PE most enjoyable.
I wonder if you could include the class in each level title somehow? Maybe "
Pd. 1: Math"
or something.
sp. "
Most of the rooms were average to easy difficulty and played pretty smoothly.
As you noted, the German flag was a bit labor intensive. I also found the "
American Revolution"
to be tedious. Run all around the room to kill the tar/mud mothers then run all around the room again for the babies. Of course this might be what you're looking for since this is a war.
Overall, I like it.
As good a job as you did with your theme, if you could take it a step further this might go from being a "
hold to a "
Each level is a subject: Great!
Every room is a class: Great!
The rooms have scrolls saying the class name which is good and all the rooms are drawn to represent that class which is good. The trick would be to make the rooms PLAY like that class.
For example.
You have the PE class "
where you actually have to run across the screen.
You have photography, where you have a mimic copying your moves on a seperate half of the screen (sort of like a photograph copies pictures).
I think you did this well in other cases also, but then there are more classes that feel like "
Well, here are a group of random monsters (slayer optional)"
to make this a challenging room.
Maybe for algebra, you could have the numbers which look cool, but then make some puzzle that represents counting in some way. The more classes you make actually play like that class the better!
Good luck with the hold.