Caravel Games
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Life in the Basement (February 19, 2006)

Everyone loves getting new things to play with. Whether it be a birthday or Christmas present, or something that you bought yourself that allows you to waste time on it, humans are obsessed with new things to use and abuse. For me right now, happiness has taken the form of a couple of new tags at my disposal. And, because I'm so happy that Schik has blessed me with them, I'm going to play with them.

I can now make a heading, to emphasise points such as:

New content is always welcome!

I can have a nice paragraph background indicating that I am about to start a new thought, such as:

While there aren't a lot of updates this time, what we have is top quality! Be sure to check them out, as even veteran DRODers will probably take interest in them!

I can make fancy bullets to list out new additions to the site:Or, I can make a list of things that we still have to do.
  1. Edit information up on two characters.
  2. Prepare information about Eighthian currency.
  3. Get the article about flooding up.
  4. Work on DROD FAQ v2.
  5. Finish contest summaries ASAP.
  6. Buy Schik some M&Ms.
Man, isn't Schik amazing? I swear, one day he'll go up to me and find some evil way to get me back for it. However, for the moment, I'll sit and bask in his good glory.

I addressed this a bit before, but if anyone would still like to get this article by email everytime I update it, let me know. I'll find some sort of incentive, such as revealing locations of hidden pages or something alongs those lines to those who subscribe. Might as well give them some consolation for having to hear my ranting earlier than most.
