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DROD3D Screenshots.

DROD3D was developed by TLK Games, and is a faithful rendition of King Dugan's Dungeon in 3D. You can learn more about it at their website.

We Heard You The
First Time.

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Here, you can see the Beethro model TLK are using, along with the first level text. He doesn't look too bad, does he? While you're looking, have a look at the clever texturing done on the tiles - the pinch effect works quite well.

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In this shot, we've got the orbs (a concept shot had a gnarled hand rising up out of the floor holding them), the doors, and some roaches, which are quite big, though not as big as we've been lead to believe. If you look closely, you can see a scrunched-up scroll, which rotates while the game's going.
Are They Electric?

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Taking some time out here to have a look at the lighting effects, which really are quite lovely. You can see the contrast in this screenshot.
Dunging Sucks.

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Part of the appeal of a 3D version of DROD is the ease of moving the camera. In this shot, we turn a somewhat intimidating room on Level Seven full of Evil Eyes into a rather more intimidating room.

And to think, all we did was move the camera.
Lé Blob

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Three things here; a checkpoint, as a red X on the floor; a breakable wall, which is unfortunately extremely obvious in this particular screenshot; and the Living Tar. Bit of an old screenshot we've got here - I'm led to understand the tar is more rounded in the final version.
What Have You Done?!?

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Of course, there's still the deadly death we all expect. The animation sequence is a bit more graphic than in 2D DROD, but then it's a violent game.