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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Challenges : Compilation of Challenges Hold?
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
What does everyone think of having a hold created that is a compilation of the challenges?

Here are my thoughts on how it might be created.

One person is in charge of the project, call them the coordinator. The coordinator requests permission from each architect who has holds with challenges. Once permission is granted, the coordinator asks the person who initiated each challenge to create the modified version of the room enforcing the challenge along with a solution demo. The coordinator includes the rooms in a nice new dungeon giving due credit in each room for the original room and the challenge creator. Everyone plays the hold and has fun.

Other details:
1. Only rooms where the challenge is enforced will be accepted. For example, instead of saying "no turning Beethro's sword", the architect would have to assumedly force the player to place a mimic strategically such that the room could not be completed if the sword is swung.
2. I'd tend to think the first compilation would be only user-created holds.
3. If a challenge creator isn't available, the coordinator would find a volunteer to rework the room.

If there is interest, I'd be happy to be the coordinator; however, I'd be happy to relinquish this duty to any enthusiastic applicant.
09-03-2005 at 10:18 PM
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
I was gonna do a couple levels for king dugan's dungeon but someone else can beat me to it if they want.

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
09-04-2005 at 04:20 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
One thought - challenges can be very very difficult. Its likely that someone will get helplessly stuck on one room and not be able to get to the rest of the hold. So most if not all the rooms should be directly accessible from the beginning. You'll need a warp room and good jeffrey's tubes to get around.

Progress Quest Progress
09-04-2005 at 02:06 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
stigant wrote:
One thought - challenges can be very very difficult. Its likely that someone will get helplessly stuck on one room and not be able to get to the rest of the hold. So most if not all the rooms should be directly accessible from the beginning. You'll need a warp room and good jeffrey's tubes to get around.

09-04-2005 at 02:16 PM
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Level: Smiter
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Registered: 08-17-2004
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
Or you can make none of the rooms required and no green doors. It will be easier than the above way.

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
09-04-2005 at 03:32 PM
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (0)  
rowrow wrote:
Or you can make none of the rooms required and no green doors. It will be easier than the above way.

Well, not necessarily. First, a lot of rooms don't allow easy crossing even without a green door. Second, removing the green door from some rooms will screw up the puzzles.

I think the easiest thing is just make a lot of open space connecting the puzzle rooms.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
09-04-2005 at 03:57 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 05-25-2004
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icon Re: Compilation of Challenges Hold? (+3)  
Ok, so I accepted the task to be coordinator for this project. I think that, in order for this to work, we need some more rules and guidelines. Therefore, I've tried to come up with some things to make the project easier to handle. These are still open for discussion, so if you have any objections or comments, please express them here (or privately via PM).


* Anyone is allowed to make a challenge-room of a challenge on the Challenges-board. I don't think it's necessary to ask permission from the person who issued the challenge, although you do need permission from the hold author, see below.

* Challenge authors have the right to be the ones to enforce the challenges they've issued (after all, they understand the challenge best and know what should and should not be allowed to do). If you've issued a challenge and want to create the room enforcing it, then please PM me about it or post in this thread saying so. I'll maintain a list of challenges that has already been taken (and also specify who wants to create the challenge-room).

* If you want to modify a room with a challenge, then you first need to get permission from the hold author. Ask the hold author whether you are allowed to make the room and have him/her send me a PM telling me that he/she has given you permission to use the room (and the hold). I'll maintain a list of holds you are allowed to use. King Dugan's Dungeon is open for modification, but Journey to Rooted Hold and any Smitemaster's Selection hold may not be used (unless you manage to persuade Erik to give you permission to modify it, but I doubt that'll ever happen).

* If the hold with the challenge is only editable by the author, you can either
- ask the author to get an editable version of the room or
- ask the author if you are allowed to make the challenge-room. I can provide you with an editable version of the room once you get permission from the author.
Please don't manually copy rooms (tile by tile, monster by monster), because this may change the monster placement order and make the room different.

Creation and submission:

* The challenge must be enforced; the room may not be completable any other way.

* The basic room layout should be preserved as much as possible (don't take this very strictly though, sometimes the challenge requires at least a minor structual change). However, you are encouraged to use JtRH room elements to make it look nicer.

* You must be able to enter the room from the same entrances as in the original hold, unless the challenge states otherwise.

* Feel free to ask for help on how to enforce the challenge you're working on. Using scripting is fine here, although I personally feel that it's more elegant to do it without scripting (if possible).

* When you're done with the room, send the hold (preferrably anyone-edit, but that's not necessary) to me either via e-mail (sm84 ät mbnet dot fi) or put the hold on the web (e.g. as an attachment on the forum) and PM me a link to it (preferrable).


* I'll compile all the challenges I've received in a hold that will be available at all times in this thread (or, if you think it's more appropriate to put it in Architecture, I'll make a new topic there). If your room hasn't been added to the compilation in a week after you sent it to me, then you are allowed to bug me about it.


[Last edited by Stefan at 09-15-2005 03:01 PM]
09-15-2005 at 02:33 PM
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