When you're miles underground, and your last twenty meals were cold, squishy, and six-legged, it's easy to feel small and alone. At times like these, Beethro sings to raise his spirits:
If I step here, then it's mine.
When I go, it's left behind.
Where I stand is my own land.
The Kingdom of Me is great and grand!
And who can argue with that? If times are rough... if your world is crumbling to pieces... remember you are still master of your own two feet and everything stacked atop them.
DROD Film Festival
The problem I have with film festivals is buying tickets two weeks in advance and then standing in line for an hour to make sure I can sit together with my wife. And not by the fire exit where I can't even read the subtitles. Our DROD film festival will have none of these inconveniences.
Hey, have you ever wanted to make a film? Of course--who hasn't? I bet if you set your mind to it, you could finish one in less than three weeks. Coincidentally, that's how much time you have to enter your film into the festival and possibly win a prize!
More about the Festival
DRODCon 2005
In Bellevue, for the weekend of August 26th, I'll be sitting behind a six-foot table in a hotel where the 2005 Dragonflight Convention is held. I'll be wracking my brain to figure out something useful or entertaining to do. How to occupy myself for three days? If nobody comes and talks to me, I can always sit there and work on DROD, but I'm hoping for something better. I don't know what exactly, but I won't be satisfied with handing out some DROD fliers and going home. If I get too angstful, I'm just going to start making Comic Book Guy insults at people until I start a fight. "
Worst. Chaotic Orc/Dwarf character. Ever."
If you are anywhere close to Bellevue (which is close to Seattle, Washington, USA) on August 26th, 27th, or 28th, come see me at the DROD table. Here's the hotel info:
100 112th Avenue NE
Bellevue, Washington 98004
(425) 455-3330
Dragonflight convention info
Summer 2005 Smitemaster's Selection
Yeah, those CaravelNet members are some smug puppies now, because we just released two new official holds (level collections) for our Fall 2005 Smitemaster's Selection. Anybody with CaravelNet membership can download them now!
King Dugan's Dungeon is a hold equal in size to
DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold, and contains a story preceding Beethro's adventures with the Rooted Empire. Along with his work on
King Dugan's Dungeon, Neil Frederick also brought us
The Choice, a brand new hold with completely original rooms. Playing Beethro, you must make a decision early on and live with its consequences.
If you are on CaravelNet already, and want to grab up those new holds, then follow these instructions very carefully:
1. Choose "
Change Location"
from the "
Main Menu"
screen and download the two new holds.
If you aren't on CaravelNet, and maybe wonder what the heck it even is, then check out the URL below:
CaravelNet info
Call for Hold Authors
After years of community growth and newly-developed level-creation features, we're reaching a standard of quality that few computer games can touch. We've began collaborating with authors and offering semi-professional compensation. The result will be excellent holds with well-told stories, fantastic puzzles, and advanced design. If you'd like to reach that respected place just beyond hobbyism and call yourself a published author, then you really must read...
the Smitemaster's Selection FAQ
The Last Webmaster
Matt Crampy stepped down gracefully from his post as webmaster. By all accounts, he wanted to spend more time chasing after bikini-clad women. I immediately declared that we would no longer have a webmaster, which makes Matt the Last Webmaster of DROD.net. We have a new post, called "
Chief Editor"
, into which Patrick Fisher (gamer_extreme_101) was promptly stuffed. Longtime DROD fanatic and Eighth historian, Wesley Chua (agaricus5) is going to maintain a reference of DROD-related information and help Patrick out here and there. These two stout fellows have already completed much work on a new version of the DROD.net site.
New web team announcement
Topic Picks for August
It's all good stuff, but you probably insist on the best of the best of the best. So I bring you the most splendid subset of conversation found on the CaravelNet forum at this singular point in time.
Could a Computer Learn to Play DROD?
Warning: you may actually learn general math concepts from reading this one.
The Traitors, War3, War4
These are all the new holds that have been released since the last newsletter. Not so many this time around, but that just means a bunch of people are quietly working on new ones.
Didouneto made a new graphical style for
DROD: Architects' Edition.
Kill the Kitten
This is a game where you edit a picture to either kill or save a kitten. Even if you don't play, you really ought to check out these hilarious pictures.
Harry Potter Drinking Game
You don't have to get boozed up here. Were just looking for a few choice cliches that come up in the movies.
The World is Small
Wherein we learn that at least five DROD forumites participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad. Whoa!
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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twitch stream |
youtube archive (NSFW)
[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 10-05-2005 02:45 AM]