I haven't seen this one yet, though I've seen variations with just about every other monster under the sun, so it's not very original.
And, it turns out, not very hard. Should be obvious what needs to be done when you enter the room, and Stefan will probably beat it in under a minute. (it took me a couple of tries. I'd either lose WWs into the no-escape area, or I'd get the golems too far apart, or I'd just mess up with the mimic. perhaps I need a checkpoint in the mimic room).
So, not much here yet, but I finally came up with a puzzle

. My first room ever. Yay.
I don't like the idea of surrounding it with filler puzzles, so I'll probably leave it at one room until I come up with another puzzle one of these months. Repeat until I have around 10 and release as a teeny hold.
And I solemnly vow never to hide things under tar or mud, or fill a room with trapdoors and wraithwings or trapdoors and goblins, or make you drop a red door that requires tedious rather than tricky movement. Ever. Really. These things just need to stop.
As it's my first puzzle, I wouldn't mind constructive ideas on how to make it more challenging.(should I dispose of the obstacles? I kind of wanted it to be harder to get the golems into the room, but, then, if you can get them one at a time, it's kind of trivial. sigh).
EDIT: updated based on Stefan's changes and a couple of my own
EDIT2: updated again because I forgot a couple things
[Edited by silver at
Local Time:05-30-2005 at 03:38 AM]