Hello again!
First off, let me apologize one last time for my long hiatus from getting the Mac port ready. I'll see what I can do to take care of the remaining issues that I know about in a timely manner.
A new beta, 2.0.8.beta3, is ready, and I expect that it will soon be available at the download area,
http://www.drod.net/forum/downloads.php. The following issues are addressed:
* right-click in game to display coordinates had a funny character in it if a coordinate is a single digit.
* The file selection dialog now includes mounted volumes
* Selecting a directory that is listed as an absolute path in the file selection dialog (e.g., "
[ /Users/me ]"
) works properly now.
* Some timing-related issues have been corrected: recorded demos have appropriate delays between moves, extraneous keypress events that might happen in some cases have been eliminated.
* The Demo JtRH hold is now included. The proprietary resource files are correctly retrieved from the .dat file.
In order to upgrade to the new beta, I would like you to first
remove any existing ~/.caravel/drod-2_0 directory that you have. You should open a "
window and enter the following command:
rm -rf ~/.caravel/drod-2_0
When you launch the DROD application, it will re-create the user and hold data stored there.
The preferred way to import data from other DROD installations is to export them and import them within the application, as described
That's all for now. Please let me know how this works for you!
[Last edited by wmarkham at 07-31-2005 11:54 PM : removed claim that I might have fixed the nonrepeating keys bug]