DROD RPG is harcoded to have the following things count during scoring:
40 HP = 1 point
ATK = 5 points
DEF = 3 points
Yellow key = 10 points
Green Key = 20 points
Blue Key = 30 points
Skeleton Key = 30 points
It would be nice to be able to edit these, there are a number of holds where the author wants to be able to rank the player on other metrics, such as REP or making each HP count for 1 point.
I propose some built in vars:
The vars can be set to the following values:
* Positive number - X points per each one you have (e.g. _ScoreAtk = 5)
* Negative number - 1 point per X you have (e.g. _ScoreHp = -40)
* Zero - Does not show up in scorepoint score window
These could all have default values that replicate the current scoring method so all old holds are abckwards compatible. (NOTE: _ScoreGr and _ScoreRep would default to 0)
The scorepoint window can also be adjusted to show lines for all non-zero values, with a clarity as to how it is calculated e.g.:
326 HP / 40 = 8
12 ATK * 5 = 60
3 DEF * 3 = 9
Score = 77
Of course it would still be nice for authors to also drop in a scroll explain this, but this has currently worked out pretty well for editing the hot tile damage values so I think we can safely rely on them doing that.
Some things to consider:
* How do you handle someone putting in a ridiculous conversion value for one of these and busting past MAX_INT for any of these, or the total score? Just something the HAs will need to look out for?
* Don't forget that the total score also shows up when right-clicking the player, and on the Restore screen when you click on a save.
[Last edited by kieranmillar at 12-11-2022 01:41 PM]