* The tireless skill still exists, but all units can act after a battle.
* Wizard eyes can't move except into water because they dive.
* AI parks ravens on goldmines.
* The Visions ability (shaman) crashes the game. See the attached savegame to reproduce this.
* You can move a boat without selecting all units in it, leaving land units behind in water. (Note that this is correct behaviour for a cloudship above land, as well as when you have a stack with more than one ship and you leave another ship behind.)
* When one of your cities has fallen into the void and you click 'view', the game freezes.
* In the Regency campaign, most AI players were quickly killed off by raiders (they probably couldn't handle Mighty vampires). That itself is an issue, but the bug is that the Regency player still had Night Eternal active after he was killed off. New undead units were still created and showed his face.
* In the dwarf campaign, the game menu (load/save/etc) often pops up spontaneously at the start of the turn.
* When selecting some units from a stack, you cannot clearly see which ones you selected.
* If you try to build a fortress on top of a moonpath, you instead build it back into a normal road.
* Ranged exorcism attacks are applied to living units and damage them.
* In the Theria campaign, the tile under a city can change into water. Perhaps intentional? It looks weird. The city and land units camped inside remain intact.
* When you choose the 'Nature bonded' skill, right-clicking on your population growth in a city (to view city size) crashes the game.
* The achievement 'dragonslayer' is not gained when you kill a dragon in battle, but when you lose a dragon in battle.
* There is no hint in the game to tell you that a fortress supports dependent units.
* Adepts do not switch to melee combat, they keep shooting paralyzing rays. This can lead to a potentially unending fight.
* When you finish casting a spell and have to select a target, the selection can be interrupted by a fight. You then lose the spell.
* If you cast a spell onto one of your own units, the game will not let you select those units immediately afterwards.
* Movement problem: the following happens when you have a stack containing units with different speeds. Select them all and order them to move to distant location x. All units will move toward x. Once the slow unit runs out of movement points, it will display the multiturn move symbol. The game will ask you again what you want to do with the faster unit. At that moment it is not possible to order that unit again to move toward the same location x.
* When you examine one of the special global enchantments in a campaign game and immediately go to the spell screen, the game will let you cast the same global enchantment yourself.
Please let me know if you need savegames to reproduce any of these.
[Last edited by grobblewobble at 02-25-2019 05:45 PM]