Ah yes, I do believe I already wishlisted it or upvoted it or whatever Greenlight wants me to do. I don't think I talk to anyone else from here, though.
I did find something neat that confirms what you said (not that I doubt you, of course).
If you have a rock pit set up like this, B will end up in the pit (because its processed in the order of [n..0]):
╗ ╔ ╗ B ╔
╚═══╝ ╚═══╝
But! If an object obstructs the middle and is cleared away, then A will end up in the pit. Again, this is because the right rock gets processed first, can't do anything and remains stationary. The middle object updates, and goes away (whether its a switched wall, the player, or dirt, whatever); finally the leftmost rock will see the space is cleared and then roll into place.
A ? B B
╗ ╔ ╗ A ╔
╚═══╝ ╚═══╝
If you chain cloners which face down or right, and press a clone all button, you can clone the entire row at once.
It doesn't work for left or upward facing ones, which appear one new object at a time (because of the "
seek right"
behavior that certain buttons and portals exhibit)
A > > > > > >
A > A > A > A > A > A > A
< < < < < < B
< < < < < B < B
And speaking of cloners, certain cloned objects which are normally unmovable can be actually moved if cloned onto a motion field. In particular, dirt. Because walls aren't "
and don't count towards the object limit, does this mean that freshly-cloned objects are a dummy object that
looks like something else while in transit? The dirt behaves normally once stopped, and transforms the tile appropriately.
One last thing I found that is an actual bug(!). If you clone a steel wall into a laser beam, the laser is blocked - but it's because it's hitting an invisible object and the laser disintegration animation is constantly looped (this is why I thought about dummy objects, above).
I attached a level file, if you'd like. What I did was hit the clone button, then press the button to toggle the laser. This ends up creating an invincible tile. Turning the laser back on will not remove it, nor will an explosion. It behaves just fine once the
cloner is destroyed, though. (is this a case of bad tile marking?)
- Ultimate rank
- 2009 level design contest, 2nd place
[Last edited by Danjen02 at 05-19-2017 11:48 PM]