Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3145
Registered: 07-11-2014
IP: Logged
Re: Castle Repton (+3)
Castle Repton is one of my favourite holds. It's medium-length and has a central gimmick, its level layouts are based on another game, Repton 3. If you look up maps of the Repton 3 levels online you'll instantly see the connection.
This heavy restraint in its layout forces a unique design, with a heavier focus on enemies that deal damage via swords and swiping, especially as the level layouts become more open later on. This gives Castle Repton its own identity among all the published holds, which is cool. However if you aren't aware of this gimmick, some parts of the design can feel wierd and "unclean", with force arrows and othosquares in some strange places. There are certainly simpler ways to achieve some of the things it does were it not for this restraint. It also ends up with enemies occasionally standing on top of resources, especially on floor 7, which is an unpleasant suprise if you aren't looking carefully, a minor gripe I have is that I wish more was done to highlight these instances such as lighting effects.
There's a lot to praise about the gameplay. Castle Repton was one of the first, possibly the first, published hold to not restrict accessory use to an accessory chain that ends up getting you into a hidden room. Instead, it offers you accessories quite frequently and gives you complete freedom on how to utilise them. Architects take note: this is way more fun. The hold turns off score checkpoints if you progress to the next level without achieving them, bypassing issues with skippable scorepoints, for which I am eternally grateful.
The hold mostly uses the default enemies but fills in gaps in the roster with a selection of custom enemies. It keeps greckle gate costs sensible by using custom scaling for the costs, and has an altar at the end you can pump greckles into for stats. All throughout the hold, greckle usage is fun and interesting.
Difficulty is notably higher in the first 3 levels, where health is a serious constraint, but gets much easier as the layouts open up in later levels. Despite this minor quibble, the hold is well balanced throughout, and only blows open when you reach the altar which is very late. The bonus scorepoint for not collecting any accessories keeps the difficulty more consistent throughout if you prefer it that way.
There are only two other gripes I have. Later levels have too many keys as they become the default reward for taking damage from seep and waterskippers, as the layout restriction demanded lots of pickups in open locations but didn't provide enough uses for them. Fortunately, these pickups are generally awful until right at the end, so you mostly just ignore most of the key glut and balance remains intact. The second gripe is the single aumtlich beam on the last level, which given the specifics of where it is is a massive annoyance for optimisation, and one that was simply unnecessary.
Overall the hold is excellent fun with a unique style and demonstrates good consideration for balance and lots of ingenuity for dealing with its constraints. 8 years ago I originally rated this 9 for fun and 7.5 brains for difficulty, and after a recent replay, I still agree with these scores. I highly recommend this hold.