Adding a crash bug of my own.
In Svartalfheim as a rogue, I grabbed the crystal shard then stumbled on the chest in the crystal cave using the loadstone before going anywhere else. Fafnir attacked and not being a fighter, I ran. When trying to head back to the stones I was warped back to the crystal cave, trapping me in this area, an effect not mentioned in any walkthrough or anything I could find..
Anyway I could find no way to bring Fafnir back or drop either shard or chest in the cave, the only other interesting place I can reach is the cliff over the lake. I found I could drop the chest in, Fafnir appears and screams, hovers out over the lake, but then the game crashes. This is the message I get:
An error has occurred. Please contact the game author for support, as this is likely to be a scripting error and not a bug in AGS.
(ACI version
in "room119.asc", line 63
Error: AnimateCharacter: invalid loop number specified
I can't find any other way to continue the game, but fortunately I still have the autosave from first entering Svartalfheim.
- This is on Steam, I assume it's 1.2.1.
[Last edited by Smelltastic at 08-21-2015 03:11 AM]