Geekchick wrote:
Love the game! But right now I'm having 2 issues.
First, I had gotten the cat, but apparently took too long to return it and it ran off. I've read in other topics it's supposed to re-appear in the frozen garden, but it never has. I've checked on multiple days. I'm on the steam version, 1.2.
Since the cat is MIA, I've been trying to rob Eitri to get the Flowers and Click here to view the secret text
×the bracelet
but every time I do Eitri comes back before I can leave and it's game over. I've tried waiting outside for him/her to leave at different times, but no dice. I just can't make it out before Eitri returns. Stealth and thievery are both at 100. Is there a specific time of day/night it'll work?
Set the game on slow speed. stand outside the house but not in stealth but normal, so the game dose not know your intition.
knock on his door but not in stealth after you see him leave and go into the craftsmans place to play. back up in normal speed not in stelth.
Then go into stelth and pick his door imidentaly, bang, bang, get in drop scarf over cage (from being upsidedown) go down to rightside up, rob chest and leave.
This worked for me on theif. Remember the game is working aginst you and trying to make you fail, make sure diffuclty is also on lowest setting, for this, dont know if it helps or not but could not hurt if your havvong issues.
[Last edited by Heroinefan at 05-18-2015 01:35 PM]