Well, the easiest way to beat Brauggi- as a sorceress- is to earn the lightning bolt spell; which will pretty much make the fight look exactly like this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyoqHs1pGaU (couldn't find the english version, but the dialogue doesn't really matter anyway.)
Though if you haven't gotten the frost bolt spell yet, you might want to turn the game's difficulty down first to keep him from attacking you while you get it. Then turn the difficulty back up and come back when you get the lightning bolt spell.
For warriors, learn the more powerful attacks,
Click here to view the secret text
×(by giving the gold apple to Arngrim, giving the mead of poetry to Sigurd and talking to him afterwards, or using the training dummy in Skyrmir's house)
have the battle axe or Balmung equipped, and just keep using those powerful attacks against him.
Rogues... well... I don't really know. I just kept on repeatedly hitting him with everything I had, until I was somehow able to kill him before he could try healing.
[Last edited by Jack Stryker at 04-29-2014 07:30 PM]