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Caravel Forum : Other Boards : Crystal Shard Games : brewing potions (I need help with brewing potions as sorceress)
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Level: Roachling
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icon brewing potions (0)  
I got in the game the "recipies" for all three potions but I don't get it how to brew that potions. I managed to brew a stamina potion by accident but I can't get it right for mana potions. I guess what you need to do is to match the color of your selfmade mana-potion with the color of the mana potions that you can buy. But since I can't see my inventory while I'm working at the alchemy table it is very hard to do that.

I would be glad if someone could give me the exact recipies for the potions. (How often I have to click on which bottle at the alchemy table)

In my current run I have collected many gelatinous cubes and just wanted to turn them into mana potions. And now I realize that I can't manage it to mix even one mana potion because I don't get the right color. Thats very frustrating.

[Last edited by indiana_helge at 03-12-2014 09:23 AM]
03-12-2014 at 09:22 AM
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Level: Goblin
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
There isn't a fixed way to brew a potion, I'm afraid. The only way is to match the colours, and the trick is to reference the colour at the bottom of the bowl.

Still, I'm afraid it isn't very friendly to people who may not have good colour vision. It is an optional task though :)
03-12-2014 at 09:34 AM
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Level: Roachling
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
On the brewing table there's a piece of paper with a color square, make the potion match that color.

It took me a while to notice as well, I think the game help text should make it a bit more obvious.
05-30-2014 at 12:29 PM
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
Heh, reading back on my post, I didn't answer the question about the square. Thanks for clearing that up.

The manual should explain how potion making works; I can't recall what the Help text in game said though.
05-30-2014 at 12:45 PM
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Level: Roachling
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
In my current game as Sorceress I made a first try at potions in Munagvidirs local healers shop and expected either a failure or 1 potion to be made. After all the skill list displayed just "5" as skill for those potions and guessing from the spells and skills I did not hope for much.

But I seem to have been blessed by Saint Severus Snape O:- because after matching the colour I had 18! :thumbsup potions. And as I wondered why the hell 18 - that was the number of empty vials I was carrying because I still had 1 gelatinous cube left over which was not converted...

And after creating them the potions skill for that potion was still just 5.

So - does the potion skill actually do something? Or will the available reagents just be converted to potions 1:1 once the colour has been matched regardless of skill and the skill remain 5?

10-08-2017 at 09:24 PM
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
The relevant number is your Herbalism skill; the numbers for the particular recipes don't actually matter.

= Radiant =
10-08-2017 at 10:04 PM
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
Radiant wrote:
The relevant number is your Herbalism skill; the numbers for the particular recipes don't actually matter.

I had my Herbalism skill at 100, for a major part trying to harvest the two trees next to the cities where their inhabitants stand to search for something. However despite having such a large herbskill and being able to e.g. harvest mushrooms with ease I have never been able to get anything from those trees although e.g. Lif searching it daily. Is there actually anything that can be harvested from those trees - and if not what are the people trying to harvest there?
10-10-2017 at 05:15 PM
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Level: Roachling
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Registered: 05-14-2015
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icon Re: brewing potions (0)  
ConjurerDragon wrote:
Radiant wrote:
The relevant number is your Herbalism skill; the numbers for the particular recipes don't actually matter.

I had my Herbalism skill at 100, for a major part trying to harvest the two trees next to the cities where their inhabitants stand to search for something. However despite having such a large herbskill and being able to e.g. harvest mushrooms with ease I have never been able to get anything from those trees although e.g. Lif searching it daily. Is there actually anything that can be harvested from those trees - and if not what are the people trying to harvest there?

No, its misleading, they are just ether, being cute, or desperately forging the two tress they can reach without being in any real danger, knowing better but hopeful.

Its like when you know you left your cigarette case in the other room, but you still check anyway, knowing better but busy and don't want to get up.

Lith is a lady, and Liff is a coward, that's why he won't venture from the city gates and tells you beyond that are the ingredients he cant get.

Also its why he points out has a proven warrior so quickly but then demurs.

He's a lover, not a fighter, and had rather be picking herbs or drinking stamina potions in bed with Lithrazer.

Ragen is also a weakling. Unlike Fafnir if you try to fight him on his brother's request, he screams for help.

He's like: save me from this beautiful blonde woman, rather like a small girl, rather than transform and fight. :lol

Truth be told, I kind of liked Fafy, and would rather have turned Ragen into dragon scale armor. Faf is cute. Ragen is a cornball flake. Poor milk over him, and done.

''While shes fighting Faf the heroine is wishing the qfg ''Ask for date'' or ''flirt'' option would have come up instead'' Shes thinking, beautiful noble, eccentrically fun immortal, who can look like whatever I want, with 200 years worth of treasure.

Thinking further ''I'm killing him for a baldy flake, so he can give me a magic hobby horse to ride, what a waste'' and he's prob fast talking me about what happened to there father.

He stays in the little village not because he prefers the people, but because he's hiding and afraid.

Ragen talks a good game about adventuring but really does not do much more than the doom squirrel. I take that back, Doom will at least leap about, outside the city walls, hide acorns and such.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 10-19-2017 04:32 PM]
10-19-2017 at 04:23 PM
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