Thank you for doing those things that you did. But I have comments on your comments
E: That does help. I haven't tried to beat it yet, but I am confident that I can.
1S: My problem was not with the green doors, so much as the amount of tar babies that are there once the red doors fall. And the 2S backtracking here as well.
2S4E: I would like to see a demo of this room. I don't think it's possible because of the lower left corner of the tar.
2S and 5S2E: I can deal with 5S2E. But, if you are going to keep 2S as is, shorten the yellow door in 2S1E so re-entry is possible.
E: I had no comment on E.
1E: I can get the red door to fall. But you have no crumbly wall to break there.
1S1E: I think the backtracking was the issue...restarts are disliked. It is better to have a level completely backtrackable, so, unless it is linear, one can always make it back to the entrance. (Linear means that there is no escaping the order of the completion of the rooms. If there is a linear bit starting in the entrance, backtracking should be possible to where linearity stops.)
I have not seen the new hold yet, so if any of these are changed, please forgive me.
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First Delver! (I was the first non-tester/dev
to conquer TCB.)