Radiant wrote:
And what do you have against Balder's Gate?
Nothing really, but it already exists, so that means there's no point to me writing it.
Good Point.
Radiant wrote:There are several excellent classic RPGs that use FP style
Probably, but there are a few things of note about them:
#1 They usually cost money...
#2 usually lots of it...
#3 this means that, as I am not made of money, I haven't had many chances of getting to the good ones(Pity, 'Cos I'm good)because...
#4 Good ones are often far and few between
While they aren't all that bad, I think they could do better for the amount of money they usually charge.
And as we were talking about an RPG
Engine, I think that a FP game is out of the question.
Unless of course you're happy to spend forever and a day working on it.
I rest my case.
Satire denounces the world;
Wit penetrates it;
Humour accepts it;
But Nonsense Transforms it"
- Cedric Whitman
w.r.t. Aristophanes