The snake room file is set for full editing rights, I was meaning people to hop over to the room in question with the editor and use F5 to test so they wouldn't have to run through the other two rooms again. (EDIT: I just put the fixed room in the main file above if you want to use that instead.)
RoboBob, for the sequence puzzle I could change the wording to just "
Count the roaches in each ambush."
if you think that would help. I was worried people would at first just count all the roaches together without realizing they were a sequence of numbers.
Also, if you've finished 2N 2E:
Click here to view the secret text
×I was considering removing the scroll that says "this is easier than you think." I had put it in there because I was worried people would feel like they "cheated" when they got the right answer, but on the other hand it reduces the intended effect (to fool people into thinking it is another straight ambush room). In retrospect I'd rather have the first tradeoff than the second, but I want to ask for thoughts before I remove the scroll.
Thanks to everyone for your comments so far.
[Edited by jdyer on 12-12-2003 at 07:08 PM GMT]