Hold #3.. This is just a short 1 level experiment thats not as long as Katons Keep and not of what was a multi-hold series. But this is not just 1 little level, you explore a cave with oh-so-many secrets in it! The challenge is pretty fair and it is pretty fun hold. This time it's not buggy but if you do encounter a bug please tell me so. This a hold for all audiences so nothing is offencive expect for roach killings

. Enjoy!
Some of the bugs are fixed!
*extremely major spoiler! for those who have completed this hold or discovered the secret level!*
Click here to view the secret text
× Katons Keep 2 will be out when 1.7 is ready and also the original Katons Keep will enhanced with extra rooms and absolute complete bug fixes
[Edited by Stuwy on 12-10-2003 at 03:11 AM GMT: Bug fixes]
[Edited by Stuwy on 12-10-2003 at 03:14 AM GMT]