Kevin_P86 wrote:
It's probably too late now (perhaps the HA's can say?), but (with your permission, Ptanzoricis) perhaps it could be included in the Lunchbreak Special - right now it is the only entry that is not included.
Edit: Just to clarify, the compilation is and will be a JtRH hold, without the "problem" it has in TCB.
It's worth noting that it can still be played in TCB, and at least one other submission in the Lunchbreak Special has a similar problem: dropped doors that show up in TCB that didn't show up in JtRH. (I don't know what the issue with the Limits level is, but I imagine it's similar.)
Since the Lunchbreak Special hasn't been promoted yet, I would think it could be added. I would do this soon, though.
Also, I'm pretty sure that any room that gets promoted must be conquerable in the latest shipping version of DROD, even if you have a note that says that it plays better in an older version.
Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking."
--William Buck