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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Two neat ideas
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Level: Roachling
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Registered: 10-21-2003
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icon Two neat ideas (0)  
There is a problem for players like me: Every single hold i've downloaded and played is either immediately incredibly difficult and overwhelming, or concerns the various combinations of ketchup and puppies.

Is there a hold out there that's appropriate for my skill level? (almost done level 15 of DD)
If not, I think that would be a cool project, especially since there's probably a lot more people like me out there.

Also a cool idea: A hold made by the entire forum, with each level having a theme. People could design rooms and submit them to an appointed judge, whose goal would be to make sure the difficulty scales up appropriately, and that each room fits the theme of the level. It would be like a contest, of sorts. Is this possible? Because I've got some neat ideas for puzzles but not nearly enough to fill up a hold or even a level.
10-24-2003 at 01:37 AM
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Level: Roachling
Rank Points: 10
Registered: 10-21-2003
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icon Re: Two neat ideas (0)  
Just realised this is alot like ACDOD... except it's slightly different, because it's more of a 'best of' kind of thing... So it's still worth a shot :D
10-24-2003 at 01:53 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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Registered: 03-29-2003
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icon Re: Two neat ideas (0)  
Greggae wrote:
There is a problem for players like me: Every single hold i've downloaded and played is either immediately incredibly difficult and overwhelming, or concerns the various combinations of ketchup and puppies.

Is there a hold out there that's appropriate for my skill level? (almost done level 15 of DD)
If not, I think that would be a cool project, especially since there's probably a lot more people like me out there.

I'm sure this can be done, but try to realize that almost every single hold was done during the beta testing process, and that most of the beta testers were those who had already completed the game. Thus, the hold makers were, for example, all well familiar with the brains that you won't see until level 20 of Dugan's. Also, if the hold maker has beaten Dugan's then they are less likely to accidentally copy a puzzle that's already in there. In addition, I think most of the holds will generally expect the skill level of those who have beat Dugan's, if for nothing else than just so that we can use brains, as I alluded to earlier, because they do open up a lot of puzzles. I would suggest pressing ahead with Dugan's for now, the middle levels actually aren't too bad.

Eventually there will probably be some intermediate difficulty holds. It's always easier to make a puzzle too hard or too easy than just right, and in the case of DROD I would expect more of the too hard kind.

Anyway, in several of the holds there are rooms that utilize skills that you should have already's just that they may be interspersed between rooms that are beyond what you have seen. Just keep trying different holds, you may find something you like.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
10-24-2003 at 03:17 AM
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Level: Smiter
Rank Points: 322
Registered: 07-11-2003
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icon Re: Two neat ideas (0)  
Greggae wrote:
Also a cool idea: A hold made by the entire forum, with each level having a theme. People could design rooms and submit them to an appointed judge, whose goal would be to make sure the difficulty scales up appropriately, and that each room fits the theme of the level. It would be like a contest, of sorts. Is this possible? Because I've got some neat ideas for puzzles but not nearly enough to fill up a hold or even a level.

I'd personally like to see something like this happen. After all, it's hard for a single person to come up with enough rooms on an entire level based on a certain theme that are also different enough from each other so as to stay interesting. Plus I think it'd be interesting to see the differences between people's design strategies or how people approach a theme. It seems like a theme could be either fairly specific or fairly broad, and people would still come up with wildly different rooms.
10-26-2003 at 06:46 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2796
Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Two neat ideas (0)  
Greggae wrote:
Is there a hold out there that's appropriate for my skill level?
Try Impossible Cubes. I think it is moderate difficulty and really quite a lot of fun.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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11-03-2003 at 06:43 AM
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