Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 2460
Registered: 11-14-2005
IP: Logged
Re: The Prison (+3)
I've complained elsewhere about unpredictable scripting. I'd like to take a moment to comment here about "Escape: 2S3W".
I went into the room, looked around, saw the single mimic potion, the roaches that couldn't be reached from this side of the room, and the tar that couldn't be reached from this side of the arrows (or via an unreachable orb). "Clearly," I said to myself, "this room can't be cleared--I've only got one mimic, and I'd need one to take out the roaches, and then another to either place behind the arrows and take out the tar, or behind the black gate to set off the fuse to open the yellow gate so I can get to the tar myself. That must be why the room isn't required." And so I used the mimic to clear the tar so that I could progress, leaving behind some untouched roaches.
Only later, when looking for secrets, did I say, "Hm. You know, it is odd...I wonder, what happens when I do send the mimic through in the predictable way?" And I found that the room is clearable, because via scripting, the orb is hit and thus the yellow gate is opened once the mimic...steps over the arrow on the trapdoor, and...
Let me state that again. The door opens once the only trapdoor in the room is dropped. Via scripting. Which is to say, in a way that's 100% invisible from the player's point of view. As opposed to, let's say, for the sake of argument, replacing the orb-and-yellow-gate with a red gate, in which case the door opens once the only trapdoor in the room is dropped, in a way that's 100% clear from the player's point of view.
This, this, is the kind of scripting I can't stand. There was other unpredictable scripting in the hold, oh yes, but this was so egregious that (a) it single-handedly lowered my estimation of the entire hold by about a point, and (b) in spite of the fact that there are many fun and interesting rooms in this hold, this is the one I feel compelled to comment on in this thread. At length.
In short: never do that again. There's good scripting and bad scripting, folks. This is bad scripting. Stop it.