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Should I remove 2:1S (The Tar Maze)?
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icon Tar Maze Removal (0)  
I was just wondering if I should remake room 2:1S, The Growing Tar Maze that everyone posts about. I have no problem with doing so if there's a majority of people that want it gone.
09-24-2003 at 06:54 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
In it's current form: yes, it's really tough. But I think you should keep it if you can make it more forgiving. Like add a checkpoint in the middle, or have fewer turns in the maze. I can usually get about 2/3 through before a stupid mistake kills me. Even if you made more dead ends, at least with trial and error we could find the correct path and get better and better until we finally beat it. As it is now, it's just too frustrating.

In reality, it's the tar mother that makes it tough. Level 11 of Dugan's is the tar maze level, with nary a tar mother in sight. Thus when you do a tar maze with a tar mother, the difficulty really goes up a lot unless you make the maze itself simpler.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-24-2003 at 07:10 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ClaytonW wrote:
I was just wondering if I should remake room 2:1S, The Growing Tar Maze that everyone posts about. I have no problem with doing so if there's a majority of people that want it gone.
There is one good lynchpin in the tar maze that I liked:
Click here to view the secret text

I think you could make a good puzzle with a much shorter route, and design it so that the lynchpin must be discovered. I don't think any puzzle is worth taping a ziploc bag to the screen. (I actually just took notes about the path, but I did think about the ziploc bag for a bit.)

But at least make the thing much less time-consuming. 15 minutes of trial and error is bearable, but not an hour.


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09-24-2003 at 07:25 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
ClaytonW wrote:
I was just wondering if I should remake room 2:1S, The Growing Tar Maze that everyone posts about. I have no problem with doing so if there's a majority of people that want it gone.
There is one good lynchpin in the tar maze that I liked:
Click here to view the secret text

I think you could make a good puzzle with a much shorter route, and design it so that the lynchpin must be discovered. I don't think any puzzle is worth taping a ziploc bag to the screen. (I actually just took notes about the path, but I did think about the ziploc bag for a bit.)

But at least make the thing much less time-consuming. 15 minutes of trial and error is bearable, but not an hour.

My official vote is "No", assuming the room is fixed. But if you didn't want to change the room, I would vote "yes", yank the thing out.


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09-24-2003 at 07:27 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
We should notify some psychologists about this thread. I vote to drop it, unless it is changed. Erik votes to keep it, unless it isn't changed. Same idea, different words. Fundamental difference in personal philosophy, like half full and half empty glasses? Or am I just reading too much into this?

I speculate, you decide.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-24-2003 at 07:58 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
I vote to keep it, but with changes. Two things come to mind - multiple checkpoints (not just one) say, every ~5-10 turns (what ever provides a reasonable challenge, without introducing trial and error tedium) The maze could also be partially shown from the start of the room, such that it grows back in before Beethro gets to the open sections (taking out the guesswork, and forcing the player to use their memory)

A maze which requires notetaking is not fun (same applies to orb puzzles, IMO) Unless you're creating a hold which gives sufficient warning that a notebook is required from the outset - it'll just catch out alot of people (the three big Dugan orb puzzles really require notetaking, though they can be muddled through, maybe)
09-24-2003 at 08:58 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
I also think that it should be altered, but not removed. I voted yes in the state it is currently in though.

Click here to view the secret text

09-24-2003 at 09:13 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
I voted "no", but only if it gets a few more checkpoints.

*reads thread*

Hum :P

[Edited by trick on 09-24-2003 at 09:34 PM]
09-24-2003 at 09:31 PM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Sometimes, having a mother in a maze is good, because if you get yourself trapped, the tar will grow and then you can get out.

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09-24-2003 at 10:06 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
The_Red_Hawk wrote:
Sometimes, having a mother in a maze is good, because if you get yourself trapped, the tar will grow and then you can get out.
Yes, but more often, the mother causes small, irritating problems like tar babies to form exactly where you do not want them (i.e. directly behind you).

Resident Medic/Mycologist
09-24-2003 at 10:48 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
We should notify some psychologists about this thread. I vote to drop it, unless it is changed. Erik votes to keep it, unless it isn't changed. Same idea, different words. Fundamental difference in personal philosophy, like half full and half empty glasses? Or am I just reading too much into this?
I don't think you shouldn't not get rid of it assuming you don't not change it.

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09-24-2003 at 10:49 PM
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File: newmaze.jpg (98.3 KB)
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Take a look at the attached picture. How does that look to everyone?
09-24-2003 at 10:59 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Schik wrote:
I don't think you shouldn't not get rid of it assuming you don't not change it.

I don't think Schik doesn't make absolutely no nonsense there.
09-24-2003 at 11:02 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
StuartK wrote:
I don't think Schik doesn't make absolutely no nonsense there.
Thanks! :)

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.
--Mahatma Gandhi
09-24-2003 at 11:07 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ClaytonW wrote:
Take a look at the attached picture. How does that look to everyone?

It looks pretty cool, but how does it play? I think we all appreciate a good challenge (just not an annoying and tedious one); does this new layout make the solution trivial? Can you release a mini-hold with just this room so we can playtest it?

Perhaps, from a design standpoint, try to have one area in the middle which is covered at the beginning where it isn't immediately obvious which way to there's at least one part where we have to figure it out ourselves. But still leave the other main passageway clear. If you think the maze is too easy now, one thing to do could be to have a "tar timer" where Beethro enters...a 2x2 blob that grows to something that can be destroyed after 30 turns, so we get a chance to see the maze but can't get to it very quickly. I don't know, this might make it too hard again, we'd have to see.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-25-2003 at 12:08 AM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ClaytonW wrote:
Take a look at the attached picture. How does that look to everyone?
I'd still like to see the original maze adapted for increased playability. This is (of course) a different room. Maybe you could keep the original room for a later level.

This one, as it stands, seems a rather simple maze to reveal from start to end (a few moments to commit it to memory, and since it's revealed, most of the sidetracks are basically irrevelant, won't even be looked at. And if you don't reveal the solution, it's another one that could be frustrating, due to the many restarts required to get the actual entrance (except for us, since we've all seen it now :P )

About the maze revealing, I've reconsidered, and I don't think it would be so great revealing the entire thing, since the player could just note down the entire solution before beginning (making the room trivial) Perhaps just reveal a few squares (checkpoints?) or maybe even a few arrows cunningly positioned (which would remain visible after tar growth) to give a loose guide around. Checkpoints would also allow you to make the maze bigger, so you can have more than one of those lynchpins in different configurations. I'd feel cheated with just one :)
09-25-2003 at 12:28 AM
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File: Two One S of Death.hold (3.8 KB)
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icon Re: Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:

It looks pretty cool, but how does it play? I think we all appreciate a good challenge (just not an annoying and tedious one); does this new layout make the solution trivial? Can you release a mini-hold with just this room so we can playtest it?

Attached is a mini-hold with four designs of the same room. Let me know what you think.

2:1S of death!
09-25-2003 at 01:59 AM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ClaytonW wrote:
Attached is a mini-hold with four designs of the same room. Let me know what you think.

2:1S of death!
Death indeed. Most of these seem actually harder than the original room we all complained about. You're going the wrong way! Come back please! The only one I competed was the first.

Click here to view the secret text

Every few corners (I don't know how many would be too frustrating, somewhere around 3-6) try putting the checkpoint in the middle or near (but not at) the start of a corridor, so you don't get caught out with the tar growth, or get into an impossible situation.

If you're interested, I'd like to see checkpoints + long windy path, like the original room, but just a little bit spiced up.
09-25-2003 at 07:48 AM
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File: Two One S of Death.hold (1.8 KB)
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From: Unspecified
icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Alright fellas. Try this one. Unless it gets horrible reviews, the attached file is what I'm going to use in Claythro Tower, Level 2: 1 South. It's the best alternative I could come up with.

I don't think its trivial at all, I don't think its nearly as difficult as its predecessors. The lynchpin isn't crucial, but it is mighty helpful. The room isn't overwhelming at first, the paths are relatively straight until one small twisty area after a checkpoint about halfway through. Plus, the path is revealed beforehand, although you cannot access the maze until the first tar growth, however, revealing the path doesn't make it gobs easier. It's still possible to get jammed up, but the checkpoint is near (but not on top of) the tricky area.

Please, let me know what you think of this one. (I'm proud of my force arrow usage in here.)
09-25-2003 at 03:50 PM
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File: Neils Two One S of Death.hold (1.7 KB)
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
The room is definitely easier now. I still died several times...once at the beginning (stupid mistake...and it was on the 4th time through or so also), a couple times getting a tar baby behind me, once hitting the tar badly and forcing a restart, and once after hitting the orb. However, if I hadn't tried the original tar maze so many times I probably would have died a lot more. It would probably be okay for you to make a little more use of the NorthEast corner, extending the pathway. Also, in the "U"-shaped corridor, if you accidentally reveal the Northern wall, I think it makes the passage impassible on the way back. So perhaps the checkpoint should be before the lynchpin.

Here's my modifications to the hold. I added a little more tar...I don't know if what I did makes it too much harder or just right. I definitely died a few times playtesting my changes, but the best improvement about your new room (even with my changes) is that the player has more of a feeling of accomplishment, like "okay, I screwed that up, but I know what I did wrong, and I can do better next time" and then they actually do better the next time, instead of worse (usually).

Edit: I am also pleased with your force arrow placement, but I made some changes so after Beethro goes through an arrow section, he can at least move back onto the last arrow. This gives a little more freedom in carving out the tar. I think I did it correctly so that you can't accidentally skip ahead (I tested them thoroughly, I think). But it's a small suggestion, feel free to change it back.

Game on,

[Edited by Oneiromancer on 09-25-2003 at 05:48 PM]

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-25-2003 at 05:40 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
ClaytonW wrote:
Alright fellas. Try this one. Unless it gets horrible reviews, the attached file is what I'm going to use in Claythro Tower, Level 2: 1 South. It's the best alternative I could come up with.

I don't think its trivial at all, I don't think its nearly as difficult as its predecessors.
As someone who complained about the original room I guess I should respond. I like this room, it's certainaly not trivial but it no longer requires notes, trial and error, etc. to solve. The only complaint I can think of is that you can't reenter the main part of the room after solving and leaving. (I'm guessing this is why you left the top roach path open this time)

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09-25-2003 at 07:02 PM
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icon Re: Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
Here's my modifications to the hold. I added a little more tar...I don't know if what I did makes it too much harder or just right. I definitely died a few times playtesting my changes, but the best improvement about your new room (even with my changes) is that the player has more of a feeling of accomplishment, like "okay, I screwed that up, but I know what I did wrong, and I can do better next time" and then they actually do better the next time, instead of worse (usually).

Edit: I am also pleased with your force arrow placement, but I made some changes so after Beethro goes through an arrow section, he can at least move back onto the last arrow. This gives a little more freedom in carving out the tar. I think I did it correctly so that you can't accidentally skip ahead (I tested them thoroughly, I think). But it's a small suggestion, feel free to change it back.

The version you posted I think is ideal. I didn't think it was necessary with the force arrows to let the player backtrack a little, but it works fine. I made one change to the room to allow the player to return to this room from the east, but that's all.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help.

I think this mess is behind us, now.
09-26-2003 at 04:32 AM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
The biggest reason I changed the force arrows was for the grouping just below the's possible to go through it and leave a three-square wide tar piece you have to remove with only two squares to move through, thus spelling instant death. Obviously this happened to me and since I like to avoid annoying deaths I thought of a way I could fix it. But it's your room; if you don't think the arrows should be changed please don't do it because I was being a wimp. :P

Anyway, I am glad you liked my changes. Creating something from scratch is so tough's much easier to modify someone else's hard work! ;)

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-26-2003 at 04:53 AM
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icon Re: Tar Maze Removal (0)  
I was going to have one in Deep Hold Level 5, but then I played Claythro's.....

Slashing, whirling, diving, twirling,
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09-30-2003 at 02:58 AM
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