He enjoys computer games, sketching and getting lost in national parkland trying to find little flags.
For those who've just joined us, my name's Matt, and I'll be the new webmaster for DROD.net. And yes, we're all aware that the last webmaster was a Matt. Actually, it's a complicated plot to transplant Matt O'Leary's brain into another body in Australia, because it's foreign and they must all be heathens, there.
As Erik mentioned, DROD.net's been moved over to CityDesk, which lets me make changes in a nice environment, and at the same time delights in splitting things up into lots of different pieces all over the place. I'm still trying to work out how I managed to break the top of the page, for example, although I swear I didn't even touch it.
As you can see, I have little experience with the webmastery gimcrackery, although I have more with HTML, as well as enough to ask where the bathroom is in C, C++, Java, VB, Eiffel, VRML and Standard ML. As you can see, I'm a quantity man, although I doubt I'll be using Standard ML anywhere on the site. Half the fun is learning the tricks of the trade. And yes, I'm running Mozilla Firebird, so I'll at least try and be standards-compliant. Happy?
And the question you're all wondering: How will this imposter be any different to Clayton, who was sooo dreamy and unfortunately taken? My answer is that, well, we'll see. I've always been more for making small changes (hey, kids! Find the editor's notes!) frequently, and I've always thought the site navigation was screwy. But, seeing as I can't even get the top banner working, I have higher priorities.
Anyway, Mr. Moorteo Budkin has taken up residence, and is going to try some spring-cleaning. The Budkins have never been very good at it. What happens, as DROD grows into what Erik had maybe always envisioned for it, will be the stuff of legends.
Whether that's the good legends, like Hercules, or the bad legends, like Atlus, is something I don't want to dwell on. At least there'll be singing somewhere, especially if it gets a Disney retelling.
Matt (Moorteo Budkin)
What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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